Happy Holidays!!!
Thanks to all of the wonderful companies participating in The Suburban Mom’s Holiday Gift Guide. Whether you are looking for a gift for a baby, kids or adults you will find a little of everything in this Gift Guide. Think of it as your very own shopping list. In addition to learning more about some of the season’s hottest gift ideas, one lucky winner will win an awesome prize that includes tons of items from the Gift Guide.
Over the next three weeks, there will be new reviews to go along with all of the fabulous products below plus tons of hot deals throughout the holiday season. Stop back daily to learn more about all of the products below. You will also get an entries into the giveaway for every day you comment on any of the Holiday Gift Guide posts.
Tip – Be sure to check out Amazon’s Hot Toy Deals Daily for some hot sales. These deals only last for a few hours so stay tuned to see if toys on your list pop up. I will post the day’s deals each day through Christmas.
Christmas Countdown
Gift Guide Giveaway
How would you like to win more than $175 in fabulous gifts from the Gift Guide? That’s what I thought 🙂 So, here’s your chance. One lucky reader will win ALL of the following gifts. (Don’t forget to come back daily to check out the newest Gift Guide review and leave a comment for 10 bonus entries.)
- Let’s Rock Elmo Guitar
- Disney Where’s My Water? Board Game
- The Cupcake Race Preschool Game
- LeapFrog Explorer Learning Game: The Magic School Bus Oceans
- Build a Bear – The Grinch
- Chik-fil-A Calendar & Milk Shake
- Shutterfly
All products in the giveaway are being provided by the various companies, however, all thoughts an opinions are my own.
I would most like to win the Leapfrog Explorer Magic School Bus game. We got the LeapPad for mmy daughter for her birthday, but haven’t been able to get any software for it. She is in Kindergarten and loves to learn!
The tablet would be awesome for my niece.
The cupcake race preschool game. While I would love to give this to my daughter, I have a child I “adopted” for the holidays that has this on her list 🙂
Lets Rock Elmo guitar, to my grandsons Bentley & Demetrio
My daughter would love the tablet.
I have a new nephew the the elmo Rock guitar would be so much fun for him
I would like the Disney Where’s My Water? board game because my son loves having new games.
elmo rock guitar for my nephew
My son would love thee Elmo rock guitar!
My niece would like the tablet.
Thanks for the chance.
Where’s My Water Game, my son wants it!
The tablet would be great for my son!
rachelmarietravis at gmail dot com
I would like the LeapFrog Explorer Learning Game: The Magic School Bus Oceans for my kiddos. I think they would really enjoy it.
Lets Rock Elmo guitar, cause it would be fun
My kids would love the Little People Castle!
The Disney princess castle. My daughter would love it!
I would like to give the Sound Freaq speaker because it looks like a great universal speaker to use.
Our little one is all into the Magic School Bus 🙂
this is truly an amazing giveaway! job well done!
opps I’d love the grinch or the leapfrog 🙂
The grinch, or leapfrog the kids section is great thank u!
The Cupcake Race game looks really cute! My girlie girls would love it!
I would love the lets rock Elmo guitar the most for my son
The Elmo Guitar, the dollhouse, and the tablet are great for the kiddos.
All are awesome but with seven kids I think Shutterfly is the best deal for us! Items come and go but pictures last forever! 🙂
My youngest loves Elmo so he would love the Let’s Rock Elmo guitar!
let’s rock guitar for my lil guy
I would LOVE the Build a Bear Grinch!
I would give my hubby the Tramontina Gourmet Porcelain Enamel Fry Pan. He has asked for a new fry pan and since he is the cook of the family, he’s gonna get one. 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway! Janna Johnson jannajanna@hotmail.com JannaThanks for the giveaway! Janna Johnson jannajanna@hotmail.com Janna@feedyourpig on gfc@feedyourpig on gfc
elmo rock!
Thanks for the giveaway! Janna Johnson jannajanna@hotmail.com Janna@feedyourpig on gfc
I would love to get samsung galaxy phone
I would love the captain hook game because my daughter is in love with jake and the neverland pirates.
I could make an awesome gift for my grandson on Shutterfly.
I would say the shutterfly gift card. I use them all the time and love making books, calendars and cards.
Id love the shutterfly gift card, I love gifts with my kids pictures!
I would love the Shutterfly gift card!
Can’t go wrong with shutterfly! Great stuff, I order from them year round. These are great give aways!
I would love the shutterfly gift card!
I’d like the shutterfly card because you can make so many AMAZING gifts with it!
I would love to give my daughter the Cinderella doll. She just watched the movie for the first time and loved it!
I like shutterfly. I love photography and being able to make a gift with a great photo is one of the best gifts you can ever give someone.
Anything would be great for me =)
My kids are really getting into playing games lately, so I would love to have the Disney Where’s My Water? Board Game.
What great gift ideas. My son is almost 30 years old, so I’ve lost touch of what to buy for my nieces and nephews. This definitely helps.
My son loves the Magic School Bus, so I’d love to give him the LeapFrog Explorer Learning Game: The Magic School Bus Oceans.
The Grinch Build a Bear is my favorite. I love the whole experience that going there with my girls gives us. 🙂 I’d love to share another memory with them doing this. 🙂
I like the tablet idea best.
The Grinch!! I <3 the Grinch and I want it but won't buy for myself.
Definitely Build A Bear….I just love them!
I would like the leap frog.
I would like to get the Vtech Mobigo-2 game system for my grandson, he has one on his wish list!
I’d love the Samsung Galaxy.
harvard sweet boutique – sounds yummy
I would love to give my girls the Little People Princess Castle! My oldest is in love with everything princess!
I love the new build a bears.
the leap pad has always looked cool.
I would like the Leap Pad to give for a gift.
Would love to take my daughter to build a bear!
I would like to recieve the Shutterfly gift code to buy a photo canvas for myself.
Oh wow. What a great giveaway. I’d have to say the build a bear Grinch. My little one just saw the Grinch at Universal and she’s obsessed with him.
I would love to get the Grinch.He has been one of my favorite holiday characters since I was little.
Shutterfly. I’m a photographer and can’t afford to print!
I would love to win V-tech Mobi Go for my son because it looks like something he would really enjoy
Build a Bear – The Grinch
I’d love the Samsung Galaxy, I don’t have a good cell phone.
I’d have to say the Samsung Galaxy, since I currently don’t have a phone. My 3 yr old threw it, & it seems to be history.
Really anything.. but the Samsung Galaxy would be great!! :0)
I would love to have the teflon ceramic pan. All of my pans have seen better days– and most of them stick.
the samsung galaxy as I need a new phone
the little people princess castle for my little princess
I like the Build a Bear Grinch!
I would like the logitech skype tv cam HD
I’d say the Innotab v-tech for my little grandson. He starts kindergarten next year and I feel that it will help him learn and have fun at the same time.
love the toys for the grandkids like the phone for me
vmkids3 at msn dot com
My grandson would love Let’s Rock Elmo Guitar.
jofo120 at yahoo dot com
The Where’s My Water game is actually on my daughter’s Christmas list this year! And our baby boy would love the Elmo!
The LeapFrog Explorer Learning Game: The Magic School Bus Oceans because my daughter loves Magic School bus!
I would like the Build a Bear – The Grinch
I would love to give my daughter Cupcake Race. We watch Cupcake Wars all the time and she loves baking with me!
I would like to receive the teflon pan because my old pan is old and does not cook evenly
The Samsung Galaxy for me or one of the Vtech for my grand kids
The Build a Bear Grinch for my daughter! She loves the movie!
The Build-A-Bear Grinch!
Shutterfly because im waiting to do my kids baby books!
I would love to give the metro pcs samsung galaxy s3 phone to my stepdad because his phone is very outdated and it causes him a great deal of frustration
The build-a-bear grinch would be perfect for my grinch-lovin’-christmas-eve-birthday girl!
I would like the Innotab for my daughter, she has been asking for one of those.
My grandson would love the Build-a-Bear Grinch.
My kids would love the build-a-bear grinch. They just watched the movie and enjoyed it a lot
Shutterfly because I have a blanket in mind for my husband.
I like The Cupcake Race Preschool Game
i would love to get the build a bear a bear grinch for myself:)
I want the Grinch! I am obsessed with all things Dr Seuss
I’d be most excited for the Elmo Lets Rock guitar, as my 16 month old loves Elmo and LOVES music
Samsung Galaxy I would love and my son the Innotab v-tech
I like the cupcake race preschool game because my daughter would love it.
I would love the Where’s my Water game bc it’s my son’s fav app!
I am wishing for the shutterfly code so I can order the cutest cards!!
I’d most like to receive the Teflon pan since I need one.
I would like to give the Cinderella Barbie to my older daughter and the Elmo guitar to my littlest daughter.
My daughter would love the cupcake game because she loves games!
I love the build a bear grinch! and I secretly want it for myself! It’s my favorite christmas movie!
I’d love to give my grandson the Let’s Rock Elmo Guitar because he loves anything and everything Elmo!
Great ideas!! I think I would love the Shutterfly 1st because I still need to do my Christmas cards.
I would love to give my niece the Cinderella Holiday Princess Doll
I like the Cupcake Race game the best.
Let’s Rock Elmo Guitar would be perfect for my nephew
that grinch is awesome but my niece would love the Cinderella Holiday Princess
my boys would love the grinch
My son would love the lets rock Elmo guitar.
the shook hook but they all look really good
My daughter would absolutely love the Grinch Build a Bear!
I commented on the Grinch review.
the metropcs samsung galaxy 3 because then i could give up my current plan and have an awesome new phone.
the grinch is amazing as well. i love build a bear.
I would love to give the innotab as a gift to my niece because she really wants one!
Securifi Almond Touch Screen Wireless Router and Range Extender Review because ours is old and I would love an upgrade.
The ZTE Anthem 4G to make holiday movies! 🙂
My grandson Rain would love to play with the Let’s Rock Elmo Guitar.
I really am excited about the Shutterfly prize so I can send out my Holiday cards. I love their photo Christmas Cards and love sending and receiving Holiday Cards each year and saving them for years to come.
i would love to give the Soundfreaq Sound Step Recharge to my sister because she loves gadgets and she loves music, and this is an awesome present!
I’d love the Let’s Rock Elmo!
I’d like to give the Disney Where’s My Water? Board Game to my daughter
The Grinch- we all love him here. 🙂
My kids are obsessed with the Grinch so I’d love to give them the Build-a-bear grinch doll!
bear grinch for one of my kids
The Grinch plush is awesome!
I like the Barbie and the Grinch. My daughter has seen the commercial for the Barbie and has asked for it. Thank you!
My daughter would LOVE the Barbie!
I’d love the Disney Princess Cinderella Holiday Princess Doll because I love Cinderella!
For myself a secret wish of mine for Christmas is to get the The Samsung Galaxy S III. Heard great things about this phone.
the build a grinch appeals to me, and I’m sixty three years old.
I’d like to give my little girl the The Cupcake Race Preschool Game. It looks like a fun game!
The The LG Motion 4G phone from your gift guide would make a great gift for my teenage daughter!
I would like the “where’s the water game.” My kids play it all the time on the ipod, so it could be a fun game for the whole family.
I am most excited about the Let’s Rock Elmo Guitar, because it is so cute and my granddaughter would LOVE this.
Lets Rock Elmo guitar because my son loves elmo he’d love this!!
id love to give my daughter the Samsung Galaxy S II she dropped and cracked her screen on her phone and she would love this
My niece would love the Cinderella Holiday Doll…she is sooooooooooo into the Disney princesses!
I would most like to give the Build a Bear Grinch to my son because he loves the movie.
I’d like to receive the chik-fil-A prize because I love their food
I’d love to give my daughter the Let’s Rock Elmo Guitar since she’s a big Elmo fan
I would love to have the galaxy 3
The Elmo Let’s Rock Guitar for my nephew. He loves the noisy toys and Elmo, so this is a perfect combo for him!
My daughters love Jake and the Neverland Pirates. I think the “Who Shook Hook” game would be big hit at our house. It looks very cute.
Cupcake Race Game is what I’d like to have and give.
The Shutterfly would be great, to use for gifts for people.
So many cute toys and gifts on this list…I would love to help some of my coworkers who have had their hours cut back and give them some of these toys for their children!
I’m so glad you reviewed the jake and the neverland game. I have to have it now that I know it exsists!!
Oh gosh,its hard to choose one thing! But I do know my daughter would love the Grinch build a bear and anything to do with leapfrog
Build a Bear – The Grinch he is just so cute
i would love the shutterfly gift because i love their photobooks but i know my daughter’s favorite would be the build a bear 🙂
The Sweet Treats from Harvard would be a great gift for my wife! She loves goodies
The cupcake race preschooler game because I would love to play this with my son!
Barbie Princess is beautiful but for adults i want the ipad. Ove the sink holder is neat too!
I would like to receive the Chik-fil-A Calendar and Milkshake. I love Chik-fil-A and hope I get more for Christmas.
I’ve heard great things about the samsung galaxy.
i am lokking for a fire pit log i saw on the show last week.
please tell me where to buy it. i think the price was under
10.00 gifts.