5 Tips To Put Some Pep Back In Your Step ~ Giveaway

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Winter blues got you feeling ho-hum. Stress piling up from all sides? Ugh, I have been there. It’s really hard to shake the funk, but here are some tips to help you break through and put some pep in your step. 

5 Tips To Put Some Pep Back In Your Step

Do something you love – I love to make crafts. Love it. But when I get stressed, my mind says I don’t have time to do anything. I become almost frozen so afraid that I am out of time that I can’t do anything. It is not easy for me, but if I can push past that nagging feeling for a moment and make something I feel renewed. Suddenly I have proven to myself that I did have time to complete a project and I actually feel like I have more time. By rejuvenating my mood, I feel better about accomplishing the tasks I must do.

Go outside – There is just something about fresh air that is… well, refreshing. I am lucky because I live in Florida, and staring out the window right now all I see are blue skies. But I am sitting inside. Why? I have a laptop, I should go outside and enjoy the day. Even if you don’t have blue skies, go outside and get moving. The combination of fresh air and moving your body will reenergize you to face the rest of your day.

Make a checklist – There is something oh-so-rewarding about checking off something on a to-do list, especially when you are feeling stressed out. A visual checklist physically shows your mind that you are making accomplishments, and gives you a mental boost to check off more items. I have been known to put everything on my list when I am especially stressed — including getting dressed — just as a reminder that I am moving forward and making progress.

Eat fresh – While my comfort food includes a chocolate chip cookie… binging on cookies when I am stressed does nothing but make you more stressed. Instead go fresh. Filling your body with good nutritious fruits and veggies will go a long way toward improving your overall health as well as your mental health. Although, one cookie might not hurt…

Add a B-12 supplement – Whenever I got stressed as a teenager mom would tell me to take some B-12. Vitamin B-12 naturally promotes energy and offers herbal stress relief.

SuperiorSource Vitamins Energy Prize

Superior Source Vitamins products to help put a pep in your step:

  • Pep ‘n Energy Just for Women – Formulated to stimulate your natural energy reserves and jump-start your pep with a combination of vitamins and herbs. Try this natural energizer today to help you perform at your best all day! (180 mcg if B-12)
  • Pep ‘n Energy – Formulated to stimulate your natural energy reserves and jump-start your pep with a combination of vitamins and herbs. Try this natural energizer today to help you perform at your best all day! (1,000 mcg if B-12)
  • Vitamin C Melts – Boost your immune system because let’s face it being healthy is the first step toward a little pep. (Not to mention they are yummy!)
  • GABA – Helps to maintain a healthy nervous system and supports the regulation of muscle tone.
  • Female Formula 40+ – Contains a combination of herbs to promote feminine health and maintain a balance between energy levels and stress.
  • Male Formula 40+ – A combination of herbs to promote male health and maintain a balance between energy and stress levels while promoting overall wellness and relaxation.

Learn more about Superior Source and it’s MicroLingual® “Under the Tongue Technology” helps them to be absorbed by the body faster and more efficiently than traditional vitamins. 

BTW – I mentioned those yummy Vitamin C Melts, and the BOGO sale continues! In your choice of Tangy Orange or Sour Cherry, get two bottles for the price of one from LexorHealth.com or CVC4Health.com. (Hint hint, Lexor Health offers free shipping on orders of $40 or more.) 

Superior Source BOGO Vitamin C Melts 2


Two lucky reader will win a prize pack full of all of the vitamins pictured above to help put a pep back in your step. 

To enter, please use the Rafflecopter below. Giveaway ends March 13.

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90 thoughts on “5 Tips To Put Some Pep Back In Your Step ~ Giveaway”

  1. I have never heard of Superior Source, but as an elite athlete, I am always looking for ways to improve my nutrition, and take the little steps I can to shave off even those few seconds, as that can be the difference between a qualification standard, and not. I am so tuned in to the little things, this would be a great help!

    I would love to try the pep energy! I think I could always do with some extra recovery help with my training intensity!

  2. I could sure use the energy after a LONG winter 90 days with snow on the ground where I live and eating too many carbs

  3. I would love the vitaminc melts! we use other high potency vitamin supplements to boost our immune systems but the melts sound great!

  4. i am excited aobut GABA – Helps to maintain a healthy nervous system and supports the regulation of muscle tone.

  5. I would be most excited to try the Just for Women Pep and Energy…it’s almost spring and I need some more energy!!


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