Which Christmas symbol are you? Bells, Santa, an elf? Find out with this Christmas Fortune Teller Printable game. Also known as a chatterbox or cootie catcher depending on where you grew up, this free Christmas printable is a fun activity for kids. And if you are looking for an Elf on the Shelf idea, printables are fun activities for your elf to bring!
Christmas Fortune Teller Printable
This printable is sure to bring back memories of mom and dad’s childhood. Folding origami fortune tellers was as fun in elementary school for me as it is for my kids. The printable Christmas fortune teller takes the fun to a new level with cute graphics and a fun game to decide what your Christmas personality is.
Elf On The Shelf Idea
Elves are always looking for new and clever things to leave their kids during their annual visit. Printables are a fun activity for a Christmas Elf to bring because it’s quick, easy and inexpensive.
For little ones, an Elf on the Shelf can bring the fortune teller already folded and for older kids, an Elf on the Shelf can bring the instruction page for kids to learn how to fold their own origami shape.
How To Fold The Christmas Fortune Teller
The Christmas fortune teller is folded the same way you fold any chatterbox or fortune teller. For those who haven’t done it in a while, the free printable includes a page with directions including visuals to help you remember how to fold it. The lines on the paper also serve as a guide to help make it easy to fold. The three-page activity book includes a cover page, the Christmas fortune teller and an instruction page.
If you need a little more help folding the fortune teller, watch the video below for my Harry Potter Fortune Teller. While it was made with a different design, the concept is the same and the Christmas fortune teller is folded the same way.
How To Play With The Christmas Fortune Teller
It’s more fun to play with the Christmas fortune teller with a partner, but you can also play alone. The fortuneteller holds the folds origami shape and asks the other person to pick a Christmas symbol – Santa, Elf, Tree or Gift.
Open and close the origami shape back and forth for each letter while spelling the selected symbol (see video). Once the work has been spelled, the person selects one of the visible numbers and the fortune teller counts up to that number opening and closing the origami shape again.
This time when the origami shape is opened, and the person chooses a number the fortune teller lifts the flap and reads the fortune – or in this case the description of which Christmas symbol their partner is.
The game can be repeated over and over for lots of fun.
Download The Christmas Fortune Teller
To get your copy of the Christmas fortune teller, please fill out the form below to have it emailed directly to your inbox.
If you don’t want to provide your information to request the Christmas fortune teller for free, you can also find this printable available in my Etsy shop.
For more Christmas themed printables that your Elf on the Shelf can bring this season, check out these posts:
So cute! Please send me a copy of the Christmas Fortune Teller.