EOS Lip Balm Love Card Printable

I know what you are thinking, wasn’t Valentine’s Day two days ago? Why yes, yes it was. But I made this special EOS Valentine’s Day card for my daughters weeks ago. I even photographed it and wrote 80% of this post more than a week ago. But things came up, and I never finished it. Sigh. Since love is all around 365 days a year, I decided to still share my EOS Love card in hopes someone loves for another occasion — Mother’s Day? Easter? Just because? 

LOVE Card Valentines
Love is in the air, and everything is coming up pinks and reds and hearts. Since my daughters love EOS I figured this was the perfect opportunity to create an EOS Valentine’s Day Card. Instead of giving this out as a classroom Valentine or a teacher gift, this special Valentine will be my gift to my daughters. 


Of course, if you wanted to hand out these EOS Valentines to friends and teachers, go right ahead. I love giving EOS cards a small gifts. But this time I designed the cards with my daughters in mind.

For my oldest, pinks blue and purple, and for my youngest green and primary colors. An easy way to tell someone you love them! 

EOS Lip Balm Love Card

(Quick pin, click the image below to pin this post for later!) 

EOS Lip Balm Love Card Free Printable
The EOS Love card can be paired with your choice of flavors. For my daughters I decided to use Sweet Mint,  Strawberry Sorbet and Summer Fruit. 

You can buy EOS lip balm all over, but if you plan to give a lot of them. Amazon is my top choice for buying them in bulk.

Download the EOS Valentine Card here.

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