It’s cookie season! My Daisy Girl Scouts Troop is halfway through its first cookie season. It has been a fun process — everyone was very excited to dawn their uniforms and sell, sell, sell. Now it is time to deliver all those cookies, and today I am sharing the Printable Girl Scout Cookies Thank You Notes I created for my girls.
UPDATED for 2023. I did NOT add Rasberry Rally to the thank you notes since these are meant to help with in-hand cookies. But I have updated ABC from Shortbread to Trefoil.

That conversation got me thinking, wouldn’t it be great if our whole Troop made thank you notes? Even better, what if said notes could also help the girls organize their cookies?
Thus the printable Girl Scout Cookies Thank You notes were born.

Girl Scout Cookies Thank You Notes
The top of the Girl Scout Cookies Thank You Notes is blank, then girls can draw a picture or write a note to thank their customers for buying cookies. On the bottom of the notes, girls can keep track of their clients’ purchases.
I incorporated these notes as part of the “Talk It Up” Leaf badge. During the first portion of the meeting, we talked about important business skills like shaking hands, introducing themselves, knowing the product, thanking customers, etc. Then during the craft portion of the meeting, I handed out blank thank you notes and colored pencils.
I let each girl design two thank you notes, and then had them pick their favorite. I took their favorites home to scan and then emailed them to their moms with two notes per page (like the picture above, but with two of the same images). At home they could print, cut and attach thank you notes to each cookie order and record the important details.
Our girls started delivering cookies this week, and so far the feedback on the Girl Scout Cookies Thank You Notes has been great. Moms and girls love them. I can’t wait to see the reaction when my Girl Scout delivers her cookies.
Happy cookie sales!
Cookie moms, if you love these printable thank you notes, you will also love these “Stop Me For Girl Scout Cookies” magnets for your car! Or these decals for your back window. I am trying to decide which one I want to sport on my ride for this season!
Girl Scout Cookies Virtual Escape Room
Looking for a fun activity to do with Girl Scout Cookies, which helps teach girls the various cookies? Check out my Cadette’s Girl Scout Cookies Virtual Escape Rooms (available for ABC and Little Brownie Bakers). These escape rooms are part of her Silver Award. Instructions on how to play in person or virtually are available on her website under FAQs.
Updated for 2023 – ABC Bakery
The newly updated Girl Scout Thank You Notes for 2023 changes the name of the Shortbread cookie to Trefoils. Our council has changed the name of Troop to Troop donations, so I have also changed this to simply read “cookie donations.” This could also be used to add a monetary donation if that’s what your girls’ customers choose. I hope this helps!
- Thin Mints
- Caramel deLites
- Lemonades
- Peanut Butter Patties
- Adventurefuls
- Peanut Butter Sandwich
- Trefoils
- Toast-yay!
- Gluten Free
- Cookie Donation
Little Brownie Bakers
There are no new updates for 2023 for Little Brownie Bakers.
- Thin Mints
- Samoas
- Lemon Ups
- Tagalongs
- Adventurefuls
- Do-Si-Dos
- Trefoils
- Toffee-tastic
- Cookie Donation
Download The Girl Scout Cookie Thank You Notes
Please fill out the form below to have all of the Girl Scout Cookie Thank You Notes sent directly to your inbox.
Design for personal use only. If linking/pinning, please link directly to this page, not the printable. Thank you.
More Girl Scouts Ideas:
How to Make a Duct Tape Wallet

Oh I love these!
Some of our cookies are different (Rah Rah Raisins instead of Cranberry Crisp) and our council still uses the old names for the favorites but I think I can make it work. I just found out I was subbing the next 3 days and this will make my troop plan easier this week!
So glad you like them! When I made them, I never even thought about the different names. I hope you are able to make them work, they were a huge hit with the girls and moms in our troop!
This is brilliant! Thank you so much!
Thanks! They were a huge hit with my Troop 🙂
I love this idea because the Girl Scout can actually write the note or draw a picture. It allows for a personal touch. This is my daughter’s first year and we are set to pick up our cookies today. We live in Indiana and also have different cookie names. Would you mind sending me the Word version of this thank you note? Many thanks, Holly
Hi Holly – This post was updated with a second version with the other cookie names 🙂
hi! i love these! we use different names for our cookies. is there anyway you can change the names for me? i have no idea how to do it and im in love with this idea!
Hi – I have had several requests for this. Can you tell me the names of your cookies? Thanks! ~Jen
In the Indianapolis area we have: Savannah Smiles; Trefoils; Do-Di-Dos; Samoas; Rah-Rah Raisin; Tagalongs; Thin Mints. We also had a gluten free cookie, Toffee-tastic. THANK YOU!
Your names look so funny to me. No joke, I want to try Savannah Smiles! Would you be interested in swapping cookies? I’ll send you a box of Lemonades and Cranberry Crisps, if you will send me Savannah Smiles and Rah-Rah Raisins. What do you think? (BTW working on the new form, will have it uploaded in a bit.) Feel free to email me directly,
did you get your cookie swap? id be happy to send you the 2 boxes 🙂 thanks for the thank you notes, love them!!
Kylie – I did not, and I really want to try your fancy cookies 🙂 Email me Let’s swap!!!
Really like this idea. In my part of the country, we have Savannah Smiles, Trefoils, Do-si-dos, Samoas, Tagalongs,Thinmints
Could you do a thank you note with these?
Hi – I updated the post with a Thank You note using the alternate cookie names. Have fun!!!
Any chance these will be updated to include the new cookie for 2022?! We love these thank you cards!
YES! I just finished updating the thank you notes with Adventurfuls!!!! Happy cookie season.
You are awesome! You made the alternate one within few hours! Hail girl scout sisterhood!
We cookie moms have to stick together! 🙂
Hi In New York City, our cookies are also Savannah Smiles, Trefoils, Do-Si-Dos, Samoas, Rah-Rah Raisins, Tagalongs, Thin Mints.
One of them above had spelled Do-Si-Dos wrong. Thank you so much for doing this. I really appreciate it!
Hi Nikki – Google helped me catch the spelling mistake. The the thank you notes with alternative names is now available for download. Happy cookie selling!!!!
I love these! Thank you so much!!
Thank you so much! These are Awesome!!
Is it possible to get an updated cookie list for 2017? I love this idea!!
Mom, you read my mind! I just sat down to update with the new S’mores cookie for my Troop this morning and was going to upload later. Check back tonight!
LBB has a slight change this year (2017). They’ve discontinued rah-rah raisins. They also have the new s’mores as well.
What cookie did the S’mores replace? (For ABC they got rid of the Cranberry Crisps.) I don’t have prices on the printable, so that part shouldn’t matter. Let me know, and I will swap out the S’mores.
I was just going to ask this too. The S’mores replaced the rah rah raisins. These are awesome and I can’t wait to have the girls use them. This is our first year. Thank you for doing this, you ROCK!!!
Hi Ellie – I just finished with the updates. Happy cookie sales, hope your girls have a great time for their first year!!!
First of all, this is ah-MAY-zing. Each year I make an delivery form and make my daughter do a thank you card. This solves EVERYTHING!
I will be using the alternate name form you created. In our area, the S’mores replaced the Rah-Rah Raisins. We have 8 total to sell: Savannah Smiles, Trefoils, Do-Si-Dos, Samoas, S’mores, Tagalongs, Thin Mints and Toffee-tastic. If you are planning to make the update to remove the Raisins, I know I am one lady who will gratefully use it! 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing!
Thanks again for the email Lauren. Everything has been updated now. Happy cookie sales!
First of all, we used this last year and ours turned out amazing! We had our daughter use marker and they copied really well. We received so many compliments on them. We are hoping to use them again this year.
To answer your question about the LBB list, the S’Mores cookie replaces the Rah Rah Raisins. Everything else stayed the same. If you honestly don’t mind updating the LBB version, I would be in your debt. You made an amazing thank you card and it was so nice using it to organize orders. Thanks in advance!
Hi Laurie – I am so glad that you liked these enough last year to come back! You have no idea how happy that makes me!!! I just finished updating the files to reflect the new line up, so feel free to download. Happy cookie season!!!
Thank you for sharing these! It is exactly what I was looking for.
Thanks for sharing this! exactly what I was looking for! I know in some of Michigan we have the cookies on the alternate printable minus the rah rah rasin.
Hi Kate – I just finished updating the alternate names with S’mores as well. Happy cookie sales!
Thank you for sharing! Can you explain the purpose of the Troop to Troop line at the bottom right?
Sure! That is for cookies donated to the military. You can read more about the Troop to Troop program. My girls sell TONS of Troop to Troop cookies because it is a great way for people who don’t want to eat the cookies to still support the Girl scouts.
These are cute and I used these last year. I was wondering why I couldn’t print out the new 2017 version with the S’mores? It shows up in my print area, but I’m just get a blank page. I can print out the one that has the Thanks a lot, but not the other one.
It was the Brown version.
When you click on the link for the version you want, a new window will open with the content loaded in Dropbox. Use the download button to download the file your computer. Once the file is on your computer, you can print the file. Hope that helps!
Thank you so much for including the 2017 alternate cookie names and sharing!
Thanks so much for providing these. This is the first year of GS in our house and selling cookies. I didn’t even think of thank you notes when delivering cookie orders. Thank you for your hard work and providing pages for both sets of cookie names!
Thanks so much! This was so helpful to add a personal touch and allow my daughter to be more involved in sorting and understanding what each person owes. Thanks!
This is amazing! My daughter loved this!! Thank you!
I love this, I have no idea how much trouble it would be to have a Girl Scout Green version of this. My girls are juniors and Cadette But thought a green would be universal . I love your note the best personal not just something to print out and organized, Love it.
Thank you!!
These are great , thanks so much for the alternative names as well! :)Jessica
Welcome! Have a great cookie season!
Thanks so much for sharing!
Hi this is awesome. Could you email me the document so I can add a cookie into it for my troop thanks!
Click on the link that corresponds to the file you want (ABC or LB – Blue or Brown) under “updated for 2017” the file will open in another window from Dropbox. There is a download button in the upper right corner.
I can’t get to download
Click on the link that corresponds to the file you want under “updated for 2017” the file will open in another window from Dropbox. There is a download button in the upper right corner.
You are a lifesaver! These will be perfect for my little artist and her first cookie sales! Thank you!
You are most welcome. Have fun!
Hi Jen, thank you so much for this, what a PERFECT way to personalize the sale of their cookies. I am from Iowa and we have different names. Is there a way to update the “Updated Version” or send me a link so I can update the names of our cookies. We have our cookie rally tomorrow and I want to share this with the rest of the troop. Great Idea, thanks.
Thin Mints
Peanut Butter Patties
Caramel deLites
Peanut Butter Sandwich
Hi Michelle – your cookie names are the same as mine 🙂 You must have been trying to download the LBB notes. Notes with the names you listed are the main ones since those are the ones I originally created 🙂
I think this has been asked before – Can you please update the website with the Brownie thank you note in a word file? I am unable to edit the PDF file and add the picture for each girl. These thank you notes are adorable!
Hi Lauren, you don’t have to edit the file. What you do is print the PDF, and then have the girls color their picture right on the form. Finally scan the picture and make as many copies as you need. Have fun!
Hello! I was unable to download to Dropbox. Would you be able to send me the file to my email address?
Thank you
Hi Jen, great post! Thank you for the printables! Such a creative idea and exactly what I was looking for. Curious to know if you would be so kind to create a printable for the Girl Scouts Fall Products Program for nuts and magazines?? our Brownie Troop just wrapped up Fall sales today. I’ll include the products below if you have capacity to create it. 😁 if you could change the total slot to say “total contribution” and love cookies decal to nuts and mags that would be great. I don’t have a program that would allow me to create such a side by side sheet.
Chocolate Covered Pretzels
Mint Trefoils
Chocolate Covered Almonds
Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Almonds
Whole Cashews
Cranberry Trail Mix
Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Caramels
English Butter Toffee
Pecan Supremes
Chocolate Covered Raisins
Dulce Daisies
Fruit Slices
Honey BBQ Snack Mix
Peanut Butter Monkeys
Spicy Cajun Mix
Project Thank You: Military Troop Support
Online Magazine Order
I have used this for two years now and my daughter’s customers say she has THE BEST thank you notes! I just printed the brown version because she is a Brownie now. This is perfect and I just love it. She can personalize it, I can organize the cookies and they get a thank you card. Amazing!
I love that you have been using them every year!!! That makes me so happy. They are a hit with my daughters’ customers too. Have a GREAT cookie season!
Hi! Do you plan to offer these in green for Juniors? We’ve used them for 4 years now and would love to again! THANK YOU!
The post has been updated to include a green version for Juniors or any Girl Scout. Happy cookie season!
Hello! I’ve been using these for my now brownie’s troop, and now for my new daisy’s troop! Any chance you will be updating it with the new cookies?
Ohhhhh… I forgot the other bakery has a new Lemon cookie this year. (We haven’t changed for this year.) What is the name of the new cookie?
I was just going to ask if you would update this for LBB 2020! The new cookie is called Lemon-ups. The other cookies for LBB 2020 are still Trefoils, Do-Si-Dos, Samoa’s, Tagalongs, Thin Mints, Girl Scout S’mores, and Toffee-Tastic. Thank you! I was planning to have my kindergarten daisy girls make them as part of our considerate and caring petal. What a wonderful idea for our youngest Scouts!
I am so glad you like the printable Thank You notes! We’ve enjoyed them so much over the years. The updated cookie names are no available. Thanks for providing the full list for me!
I would also Love a updated version as I too have used this for several years 🙂 Thank You
the new cookie for Little Brownie Baker is Lemon-Ups.
That makes me so happy to know you keep coming back to use these with your girls. The updated version is now available.
I’m not sure if you got a reply, but the new cookies are called lemon-ups. We’ve used your thank you for the past two years…I love it!
It makes me so happy to know these are used in Troops across the country! Yes, the new versions are now available! Have a great cookie season!
Is there a way to shrink the coloring section to fit more on the page?
The Thank You notes are designed to be a half-page each.
Jen, thank you so much for sharing these and updating them! They are exactly what I was looking for! These are perfect!
Thank you for offering these as a free printable! My Brownies will love using them to thank their customers this year. I love the personal picture/note space you created.
These are such a great idea! My little girl will love tis is there any way you could make a version with the cookies we sell here is WV or send the word version so I can edit it.
We sell thin mints, samoas, Tagalongs, do-si-dos, trefoils, s’mores, lemon-ups, and toffee-tastic.
Thanks so much!!!
Hi – your area sells the Little Brownie Bakery Cookies. The alternates for LBB are below the ABC version in the post. Have fun selling!
Thank you so much for taking the time to create these, update them and include both bakers! It is much appreciated and just what we needed to personalize the Thank You’s.
Any chance this can be updated for 2021?! To replace Thanks-a-lot with the new Toast-yay! ? My daughter loved using these last year and we were hoping to use them again this year!
Hi Ashley, yes! I have just been behind this year. 🙂 The Thank You notes have been updated to include Toast-yay!
I’m so glad to see that you were able to update with the new ABC line-up. Thank you! My daughter uses them for her customer. I’m having printing problems this year though. It’s only printing a few lines of the cookies options but not the rest of the page. Any ideas?
I’m attempting the green ABC baker version. It downloads to dropbox but when I try to download it from there to my hard drive, I only see the few lines that it prints out which is not the whole page. There must be a trick I am missing.
I’m having the same issue! Help please!
Hi Debbie – I am sorry you are having issues. I just attempted to download the 2022 thank you notes, and I didn’t have any issues. My suggestion would be to try downloading them again. Perhaps there was an issue when it was downloaded. Jen
Our troop is learning about thank you notes, etc. at our meeting so we were going to use these for them! ABC Bakers changed their cookies( S’mores no longer available and the new Adventurefuls!) – would you be willing/able to send me a new version to include Advernturefuls in place of S’mores?
Thank you!
YES! The new cookie thank you notes are now avaialable!
Hi I’ve filled out the email form but haven’t received the cards to download. Am I doing something wrong?
Hi – the email is most likely in your spam. I’ve been having issues with emails going to spam lately. I can see on my end the email was sent. Sorry for the trouble.