You’ve been down this path before. You know the drill. You are a pro. After all, you made it through your first pregnancy. You are already well-versed with what to expect with baby number two, right? Well, sort of.
Baby number two will bring you the same great joy, the same late nights and the same end result, but the rest could be very different. Sure you know better what to expect, and you will probably be more in tune with what is happening, you might even worry less, but you will also be chasing your first born — possibly with all new symptoms. Every kid is different, and so is every pregnancy.
This year Orlando will welcome the expansion of the new Florida Hospital for Women, and I have partnered with the hospital to share a variety of health tips for women. Each month I will focus on a new topic with tips and fun giveaways. To kick off the series, I’m talking about pregnancy tips for baby number two with an expert from Winter Park Memorial Hospital, a Florida Hospital.

8 Pregnancy Tips For Baby Number Two
You are superwoman, but… – Pregnancy is utterly exhausting. With my first I took a daily nap between work and dinner and was pretty much ready for bed after dinner. But when I got pregnant with my second, I no longer had the luxury naps – I had another child to care for. So I channeled my inner superhero and powered through. Sure I was tired, but there were things that had to get done! You will amaze yourself how much more you can do while pregnant the second time around, but don’t forget to ask for help when you need it. You can do a lot, probably more than the first time, but you can’t do it all.
Your heart will grow ten times – No, not literally, but when you give birth you will feel like your heart swells as you fall in love all over again. My biggest fear throughout my second pregnancy was my ability to love a second child as much as I loved my first. My world revolved around my first born. How could I have the capacity to love another like that? After my second was born, I couldn’t believe I spent a second worrying about it. Much like the Grinch, my heart just grew and I was filled with love for my tiny baby. Take comfort in knowing others have the same fear, you will love your second baby too.
Pop – From the moment those two pink lines appeared, I couldn’t wait for my belly. As soon as the tiniest belly appeared, I rushed out and bought a maternity wardrobe. By the time I was pregnant with my second I realized that you don’t need a maternity wardrobe, just a few key pieces. Instead of shopping expensive maternity stores, I found forgiving tops and skirts at T.J.Maxx more comfortable and far less expensive. With baby number two you are likely to pop earlier, but remember you will only need those clothes for a few months. Make the clothes you have work, shop second-hand, borrow from friends and as a last resort buy a few bottoms to go with everything.
Let it go – Remember how you over-analyzed everything during your first pregnancy? You might have even had a mini panic attack when trying to register for the right baby gear (oh wait, that was me). How many pregnancy books did you buy during your first pregnancy? I think I had seven. Guess how many I even looked at during my second pregnancy? Zero. Be confident in what you already know, if something big comes up call your doctor, but it’s time to pass those books onto another newbie. One thing you shouldn’t let go is your health, make sure you are getting the proper nutrition you need by brushing up on food rules for pregnant women.
Stop to smell the roses – While the are days long, the nine months are short especially when you are trying to keep up with another child. It is easy to coast through a second pregnancy forgetting to marvel at the little things like you did with your first, but before you know it baby will be here. Take time to enjoy the pregnancy moments and some extra special one-on-one time with your big kid. Take it all in.

Change it up – No doubt there were things you wished you had done differently during your pregnancy and/or delivery. This is your chance. Go back and think about the first time around, did you wish you had a maternity photo shoot — do it. Did you forget to make sure they donated your cord blood (my biggest delivery regret), make sure your wishes are well-known. This is your pregnancy do over, it is your chance to learn from your previous mistakes and make things the way you want them.
Take an audit – If you were planning to have another baby, chances are you saved everything (I certainly did). But you will be surprised how many things are out of date or just stopped working in storage (our perfectly good swing died). Take an audit of your baby gear early and figure out what you need and what you already have. If you can make do with what you have, great! But it is important to treat yourself / your baby to a few new things too, after all this is baby’s first time and it should be special. Making a list will help you answer friends and family with practical wishes when they ask you what you need for baby.
Thanks to Winter Park Memorial Hospital, one lucky winner will receive a $100 American Express Gift Card.
I’m thinking of my niece expecting her second child! I recall my mom saying how having a second child esp while the first is still very young is a lot to handle! These moms a helping hand!
I would love to have a second baby so my poor son could have a constant playmate! He’s already 7 though, is that too late for them to be “friends”??
What’s the best age gap between the first baby and the second? You want them to be close but at the same time I don’ want to go crazy.
Man when I had baby number 2 it was so long ago. I was on my own so things were pretty difficult. I just remember taking things one day at a time and accepted any help I could get.
Take Each Day At A Time.. With The Second Child There Is Still Lot’s To Learn And It Takes Getting The First Child Adjusted.
What are the biggest differences, if any that you made with your second child as opposed to your first when they were babies?
I’m expecting my 4th and the advice I’d give would be to buy the older sibling a special gift before the baby is born.
I have five children. Relax and enjoy your pregnancy because people love to help pregnant ladies.
I learned very early on to not expect a repeat child of baby number one, entirely different in every way.
It was far more relaxed with the second baby. Granted we had some parenting experience this time, but we also didn’t expect to be perfect.
How different are things once baby number two comes along? Does child number one get jealous?
How do you get your first child ready for baby #2?
How to you show time to your first born that he’s still important even though the spotlight is no longer on him/her?
I learned to sleep when baby sleeps.
A question I have about baby number two is how to prepare baby number one when they aren’t taking the news well!?!
My advice would be to give as much attention to the older child as you give to your newborn
I think I am nervous about number 2 because I am already so tired, how do you all get it done. My first had to be carried all the time or she would cry. I may have spoiled her some but I wouldn’t trade that time with her at all!
I think it is important to always make time for each child.
Everything with baby number two is a bit easier and less chaotic to me.
My tip is to be fair of your time and not ignore the first born.
I think it was so much easier with baby #2 because I felt more relaxed and not so scared and it was fun having the oldest help out and he got a rea kick out of going to get me diapers or caring the things I needed it was sweet!
I am a mother of two, and I am finding it very difficult to make them both happy at the same time when they are so different. For example – one child wants spaghetti for dinner, the other wants pizza. I would love some advice on how to respond to this- I am wearing myself out trying to make them both happy (cooking two dinners).
Have the kids help you make a meal plan a week ahead of time — let each child choose 2 or 3 dinners. Post the plan where everyone can see it so they know ahead of time what you are having for dinner that day. Make it clear that everyone will be eating the same meal every day and stick with it.
I am on baby #3 and wish I would have known all of these things! One suggestion is to have the baby buy your child a gift and have the child buy your baby a gift that way they both feel loved!
Try to take a lot of pictures, so that your second child has as many, if possible, as the first.
I learned to prep ahead what i can weeks or the day ahead, because after cleaning, cooking being the jungle jim lol, chaffeur, wife, mama and the list goes on and on in a day… it works for me I have more time for one one or all together fun with the kids and not pressed for time and crazy….Atleast not all the time lol.
My tip is to be prepared to never be able to sit for any extended period of time! Hahaha. That’s all I got. Two is much different than one..
definitely as much prep ahead as possible and schedule special time with #1
help the first understand that they can help with the new baby
When expecting number 2, how is labor different than the first?
I think the best advice I heard was: accept help!
Find out the gender 0f your second as soon as possible- then you’ll be able to prepare “Big Brother” or “Big Sister” accordingly.
My tip is to prepare child #1 for child #2. Always let the first child know that he or she is just important and babies require so much attention and time. Also, take lots and lots of pictures of both children.
My tip for baby #2 is to make sure you have different chores in mind that baby #1 can help you with. That will make #1 not feel left out or abandoned, and little kids love helping in any way they can. And always accept help from family members or friends!
Baby #2 is so much easier because you learned a lot from #!.
I think balance needs to be very important. It was easy for me to give both my kids the time they needed but I often neglected my rest and down time and then would get very stressed.
Being a baby #2 myself, I would say to make the second baby special to your first child. My sister says she felt left out when I was first born.
Prepare Baby Number one for the new arrival and for Baby #2 will morning sickness be worse?
I made the mistake of babying baby #2 more than I should have – need balance. But with 4 miscarriages I feel lucky and blessed to have my two sons!
My tip is to start a routine with baby #2 as soon as possible. My first born never had much of a routine and I started a routine with my daughter right away, which made life easier with both kids.
how do you manage trying to give both babies equal amount of time so that the older one does not become jealous or feel left out
Definitely accept help and my biggest tip is to take as many pics and videos as you can!
I am currently carrying baby number 1, due in 5 weeks. I don’t have any tips, but I love reading all I can from other moms!
I would say that it will make your life easier if you thought about the transitioning for the 1st. Its a big change for you, but bigger or the 1st little one!
I would love to get some advice as to how to put as much attention into both kids. It is hard to give a lot of attention to my first when my second requires so much.
Thanks…these will be helpful!
My biggest Question is how long did it take for baby #2 to come around?
I don’t want to save all these baby clothes and maternity clothing if it wont happen soon!
With my second pregnancy, I had no clue that I would go over my due date. My first baby was a few days early and I figured that I would have a repeat early labor. My water broke with my daughter so I had no clue what signs to look for either so I was kinda nervous. Then the day came, I ended up going to the hospital because I didn’t feel well. Turns out I was in early labor but not far enough to keep me or that is just what I thought. They checked my son’s fluid levels and they had dropped again so off to labor and delivery I went. They put a pill in my cervix and I was on my way to have a baby. It was an easy labor and I was able to breathe through my contractions. I was remarkably calm compared to my first pregnancy.
Now my third had a mind of his own. He turned breech last minute and I had to have a c-section.
I would like to know the best ways to make time for each child.
We recently had our hospital tour and was amazed at all the updates and changes. I love the new skin to skin contact right after birth. I have been hearing stories from individual who had been sent home when they were at 3 cm and even 4 cm because they just stopped progressing which scares me. I found a couple of our items had to be replaced and amazed how quickly items are either no longer available, considered outdated or just to expensive. Best wished to all
i wanna know if its hard to balnce time
I want to know if it’s easier the second time around?
My biggest concern is making enough time for each child! I feel like it will be difficult dividing my time plus getting regular day to day things done!
I don’t have a baby but my sister just had a baby so if I win I will give this prize to my sister as she is a new mom!! <3
Just had baby number 2 and those tips are right on! You reminded me I need to pass in those pregnancy books.
My tip is to try to be as relaxed as possible about bringing baby number two home, this will make the adjustment for number 1 a lot easier.
Involve your older child with their sibling from the beginning!
My concern was taking maximum care of number 2 and 3 (twins) while ensuring my first born, a 3 year old toddler felt loved and valued in the new role of Big Brother. It was certainly a stressful time but also a very sweet time! Take tons of pictures!
My best tip for second baby – Since not getting enough sleep and stresses can seem like too much be sure to get some along time – make it a priority.
thank you
My tip for baby number two is taking all your experiences from baby number one and apply them to number two, and have more patience, with my first I sometimes didn’t have patience, to me that is most important.
My tip remember all the things that was never used or worked very well with baby one, just get the things you will use, save money and space. And include child one as much as you can with baby two.
Great tips. I would really love to know advice and views about what is the best time to have baby # 2 or how long in between. I love to hear others advice from experience!
My best advice would be to realize that everything doesn’t have to be perfect. You made mistakes I am sure with baby number one and everything worked out. Take those experiences and apply them to baby number 2 and if you make more mistakes since every baby is different, it’s OKAY.
Have other siblings involved in your pregnancy as much as possible so bringing home a brother or sister is easier for them to accept.
I had one child, however, my tip for baby number two, would be to include your first born in the process of preparing, let them help pick out things, set up the nursery, talk about how fun it will be to be the big brother or sister. 🙂
My daughter was 15 months old when I had my son. Going from 1 to 2 is WAY harder than 2 to 3. I think the transition to any number more than one is the scariest and the most difficult….says the lady about to welcome baby #5 this June. My kids are 7,6, 4, 2 and then baby due in June.
Don’t think you have everything you need. Contrary to what some people think, it is perfectly okay to have a party for baby #2. You do actually need some new stuff (ahem, double stroller). And besides, it’s a good way to see all your loved ones before you’re too busy juggling two tots.
We noticed we didn’t capture as many moments with number 2, don’t forget to do it.
Life with baby number 2 was not as hectic as I thought it would be. Some days I wanted to pull my hair out , but most days were fun to watch the girls together.
How do you deal with sibling rivalry with no.2?
How do you keep both kids entertained when they have different interests/needs?
My biggest tip is to document with pictures and save things. Sometimes we forget to do that like we did with the first one.
Be sure to to give baby #2 as much attention as you gave baby #1 and take as many pictures too
We don’t have babies yet ,but I learn a lots of tips from you …
Mine are about a 2 1/2 years apart. The first year was tough, but things are getting better. Make sure you let baby #1 know that baby #2 isnt replacing him/her.
How do you deal with sibling jealousy from child #1?
The ultimate tip for baby #2 is Sleepy ( as it’ll rock your baby to sleep while you take care of #1 🙂
My tip is to not let the first child feel unwanted. Involve them in caring for the baby and have special days just for them.
I remember my second child asking where all HIS baby pictures were. Don’t forget to take pictures of your second.
With baby #1, I was very nervous about everything I did. But with baby #2, things seemed to get easier. Make sure you continue to take lots of photo’s of both baby 1 & 2. Seems like you have a bit less time with baby 2, but it’s important to keep records of both babies memories.
Make time for each child individually.
Each kid is different, and has different needs. finding a balance takes time
Our oldest will almost be four years old when number two arrives; I’m worried about keeping the little one away from all of my oldest’s small toys (Lego’s, etc.).
I just need to remember that every child is important, no matter where he/she came in the birth order.
How do you keep child one entertained while tending to baby two.
Ii just had one, but congrats and best wishes!
My question about life with baby number two: how do you avoid sibling rivalry? Thanks for the giveaway!
How to prepare for two completely separate schedules…. With one being on a toddler schedule and the other a newborn?
I am just the cool Auntie, but I always make it a point to make time to do special things like movie dates with the younger siblings.
You find out with number 2 that you don’t need half of the stuff you bought for baby number 1. My oldest never slept in her crib so we sold because she was going to be an only child. God had different plans for us and we ended up having daughter number 2. I did not buy her a crib because she wouldn’t have slept in it either. There’s lots of other things that you learn that you don’t need too. Also know that you do have enough love for 2. I cried a lot when pg with number 2 because I was scared that I couldn’t possibly love her as much as I did my oldest. I was so very wrong. There is more than enough love to go around.
my tip is to
my tip is to get baby #1 involved as much as they are able to be based on their age
I try to make sure I have alone time with child #2. It was easy with #1 (since she was the only one), but a little bit more difficult with #2! 🙂
double stroller or two singles?
Make sure to alternate resting and spending time with your first born when baby #2 is asleep.
Definitely make sure the first understands what is coming, if age permits of course
I know I took a lot of photos of my first and not so many of my second. I regret that. Thats my tip. Take lots of pics
What is the most unexpected thing about how baby number one reacts to baby number two right after birth?
Make sure to make your first born feel just as special as the baby.
My babies were 17 years apart, so I might not be the best to ask, but my advice is to hug and love baby #2 as much as possible. It’s harder to get one on one time when you already have one, but it’s so important.
Use what you already have as much as possible. Remember that not everything needs to be brand new. I love thrift stores and garage sales for baby stuff.
As a father, I think one thing I’ve learned with #2 is that our kids need us and our guidance but in the end they have to make their own decisions. Sometimes the first kid gets more attention b/c you’re going through it for the first time. As the second kid, you realize those moments are still just as important but that it’s a monument for the kid…and not you as the parent. Bottom line…enjoy watching ’em grow up!
Tip is to make sure baby #1 feels special and helps out.
My tip is to say don’t feel guilty if/when you can’t attend to child #1’s every need exactly when they are in need. There is only one of you and you will do the best you can.
Spend an equal amount of time with each of your babies!
We only have one child but my tip would be to spend time with each child individually. Allow them to pick the activities or meals, too.
I wonder how I will ever be able to juggle 2 kids and keep up with work/life and my DH not feel left out. I’m not sure I can handle 2
When I had my second daughter, her personality is so much different than my first daughter. So, my tip is, don’t be surprised. 🙂
Would love to know the difference of cravings the second time around
Gosh, it has been a long time since baby #2. I’ll give you a tip for #7, instead. The older siblings will be as thrilled as you are. Don’t do the silly thing some parents do and worry about jealousy. Just be happy with your older kids, and expect their hearts to grow right along with yours. 🙂
Have baby number 1 (child number 1) participate with helping out with baby number 2.
Tip: ask for help!
Make some alone time for the older child. It’s a big change to go from an only child to a sibling. I’m due April 14th and we went to a festival last week before the baby gets here. Also, in June we plan to go see Inside Out just me, my first born, and my husband.
Make a point of spending undivided tome with #1. I did not do this as I think it always caused jealousy.
make sure the first kid gets some attention
My biggest tip for baby number two is to make sure that you make extra special time for baby number one!
How do you manage to sleep!?
I don’t have a tip; I only had the one!
This is great for me because baby number 2 will be here in 2 weeks! I don’t have any tips yet but I’m sure I will!
With baby #2, don’t forget baby #1.
My question about baby number 2 is whether or not baby 1 will become jealous or not and what to do to prevent jealousy.
Spend time alone with your firstborn when you can.
My tip is not get frustrated when baby number 1 needs attention or jealous of number 2. Always bring a new toy for your other children when you bring home a new baby so they do not get jealous and they are excited for a new toy. Associative memories – new baby – new toy.
Tip: Don’t be afraid to ask for help!
Spend individual time with child number 1 so he/she doesn’t feel left out.
I’m not sure there will be a baby #2 for me. but these are great tips!
Baby Number Two – It seems so hard for me to get pregnant now. I wasn’t ready to have my child when I was 22 but it was a piece of cake getting pregnant 8 years ago now it’s difficult. I’m very sad because I want baby number two it gets depressing~!
idk how anyone does anything with two!when does a mom of two have time to sleep? lol
try to reuse the 1st clothes
I have 3. The difference between 2 and 3 is, or was to me, huge. #3 became chaotic… lol I have always said that if you can have 3 kids you can have more, there isn’t any difference. haha.
Make sure #1 feels included in everything.
My best tip is to take any help when it’s offered! You’re not superwoman and no one expects you to be. Take all the help you can get!
Tip: Always teach them to share with each other.
spend time with each kid
I’d love to hear some tips on coordinating nap and bedtimes, and what arrangements would work well for that! I think it’s what I’m most afraid of…
Don’t focus too much on the new baby where you neglect baby number one.
How do you deal with jealousy or other negative feelings from the older sibling?
We’re expecting number two, and I’m nervous about getting enough sleep after baby two comes! I was able to nap all the time with baby one, but now that he’s a toddler, I don’t know how I will be able to sleep like I was able to before!
dont be scared to walk away with your infant well as long as you are sure and safe with it and have a monitor as i did and jsut watch the oldest one its so precious and lighten up
Always laugh and enjoy yourself.
My tip is to rest when you can because with two you will need it.
What was most helpful to me w/ my 2nd and third were the practical day to day tips. Like having sippy cups ready for the older kids so they could go grab them, as well as prepared lunches that just had to be pulled out or heated. My husband would help the night before (or take the kids so I could prepare). This got me through the day.
And I had friends that came and played games with the older ones etc.
it’s ok to reuse some things from the first born. make sure to spend quality time with the first born too.
Don’t worry too much. Families have a way of working out issues.
How can I ensure that my daughter won’t be jealous of her new sibling?
try to make special one on one time with each one
My tip is to throw one or both of them at dad and run away in the opposite direction. My husband wasn’t super involved with our first and I didn’t push him to be but by the 2nd I HAD to. And you know what- turns out he can figure out how to be a parent too! Who knew?
dont sweat the small stuff!
For us, it was very important to have special one on one time with the older child…so he didnt feel left out.
keep involving number 1 so they won’t feel ignored
Keep your first child involved with what you are doing with the new baby, feeding bottles, changing diaper, changing clothes, etc. Make them feel important by asking them to help. Also give your first child one-on-one time when the baby is napping.
My tip is don’t feel as if you have to be supermom and do everything alone and/or “your” way. Learn to ask for help and be sure to delegate!
My advice is to keep your other child involved with the pregnancy.
Let your first child be involved in helping with baby #2.
My question is, how is life different with two babies instead of one
Baby two is always easier since you know a little of what to expect!!
I felt that with my 2nd son everyone was paying so much attention to the baby, that I was afraid my first son felt a little abandoned. So I went out of my way to pay attention to my oldest. almost at the expense of bonding with my baby. It actually took me a couple of months to bond with him. I had a kind of resentment towards him until I realized it was everyone else I should be feeling that way about. Needless to say, I learned I had enough mama love to spread to two boys, and eventually 3.
I’ve only had one baby, so I’m not sure I have any good tips. Make sure everyone is prepared for the baby to come home, including the pets.
Always show that each one is special in their own way and spend alone time with each of them along with time all together
Have #1 help with #2.
Oftentimes the second child is always easier because this time around there are improved products to make life easier.
Try your best to make time for your first child and do something special just with them on occasion. You can get them involved by having them help pick out baby names or giving them a list of names you selected to see what ideas they like for their sibling.
Couldn’t agree more with this! I had lots of help from my mom, who came over and entertained my oldest while I took much-needed naps. Also, I think it’s so cool to have maternity photos taken with your oldest!
Involve your child in some of the decision such as picking out baby clothes and nursery furniture etc. Involving them in the process of getting ready for baby will help get them excited.
My tip would be to try to combine things so that you are doing both kids at the same time. Feed them at the same time, bath them together. Anything you can knock off as a 2 for 1 makes life easier.
Well, my kids are all grown up, but I did have 2 kids! My tip on baby number two is try your hardest to keep giving baby number 1 your full attention. I know that is going to be harder on some days, but I hope you try. I see some of our old movies, and my poor daughter (first baby) is calling MOM, MOM….and I am just off in baby number 2 land! That is my tip. God bless you all!
My question is how do you make sure to divide your attention equally between the siblings so #1 doesn’t feel left out?
I have to make sure I’m not babying our 2nd child since he is our last baby. I tend to let him get away with more which isn’t fair to our first child.
With baby #2, things are a little bit more relaxed. Experience and a frame of reference takes a lot of the stress out of the equation.
My daughter is up to baby #5 so its hard to remember baby #2. It was less stressful with each baby
The first and best tip is to make that you and your partner love and respect each other. Then, no matter how many babies you have (1 or 19 and counting!), the kids will see what life together is supposed to be. Know what I mean? I think that life with each succesive child gets easier if the parents work together, with love.
Make sure you let the older child participate in a lot of the baby care so he or she doesn’t feel left out and not loved. My daughter was super needy when my 2nd daughter was born. I had to go the extra mile to make sure she felt loved, made time for just the 2 of us sometimes.
My son was fussy when we tried to put him down at night so we found that he loved to be rocked to sleep at night
I don’t have any babies but the question I have for baby 2 would be if preparations for baby two is different depending on gender of baby 1?
When I had my 2nd child, my daughter was 3. I made sure to include her as much as possible. We got her a big sister t-shirt, took pictures of her holding my newborn son, and got her a little “Big Sister” gift. When we came home from the hospital, she would help me by getting a diaper out for me, or helping give him a bath. Everything went smoothly and she was very happy.
My daughter was 6 when my 2nd was born so I just tried to spend as much time with her when she wasn’t in school and when the baby was napping. I think the 2nd time around was a lot easier because I knew what I was doing and wasn’t so worried. I also didn’t buy as much junk for the 2nd as I did with my daughter. There are just some things that end up on every baby registry that you really don’t need!I was much more of a minimalist the second go round!
My question is how do I find a balance between kiddo number one and baby during birth and afterwards?
I find it more easy going I already know what works and what doesnt .There isnt as much trial and error .
How much of Baby 1’s stuff should you keep just incase you have Baby 2?
Well, I am an admitted pack rat, so my answer is everything you can. Anything you can reuse is money you can save, and anything you can’t reuse you can always sell/get rid of later 🙂
I’m not sure what happened to my comment (did it go in your spam? why?) anyway, I don’t have tips myself because I only had the one baby, but my sister-in-law is having a third!
It’s been so long since babies I can hardly remember (#2 is 55 years old).
Be prepared for new things. No two children are the same.
My son was a wonderful baby so we thought #2 would be easy! Turns out our #2 was a bit harder! But during one of her crying times we took her outside and the crying stopped immediately! Try a few mins outside when they start crying! It made a world of difference for us!
My question is how do you prepare your baby #1 for baby #2’s arrival?
My question is does the time in labor seem even a little bit easier on baby #2?
My biggest fear with baby #2 would be having so much less time for baby #1, whatever age they are when their new sibling comes along. I would want to spend the amount of time I currently do, but the feeding, changing, etc. would take away from #1. Finding that balance must be very hard while they are young.
I am pregnant with # 2. What can I expect from transitioning from #1 to #2 ?
My best tip is not to compare one against another. My daughter did things at one age that my son has not yet done. Expect that the second one might be completely different from the first and embrace the differences.
My best tip is making them feeling included and special during the process celebrate the role of big brother as sister like celebrating baby
My first born kids were twin girls which needed 24/7 care so what we needed was more help which we did have some of. Then with out third child, kind of seemed like a breeze after caring for twins
Kids get jealous especially if they are used to being the only child, don’t do for one without doing for the other
Try to give equal attention to both. Mine are 10 years apart.
All babies are different. Don’t assume baby #2 will be like baby #1. There were times I wondered why my 2nd child wasn’t reaching milestones as quickly as my first. We all have our own pace.
I’m four weeks away from delivering baby #2 🙂 any last minute advice to prepare our daughter ? We’ve been reading the Bernstein bears baby book to her to help , & tAlking to her about how it will be with the baby !
I am worried about my first child being jealous of my second child.
They will learn each other’s schedules one day! Keep hanging in there.
My number one tip would be to pay special attention t your first child so that they feel loved and don’t get jealous.
Each baby is different so be sure to treat both individually. Congratulations!
a tip would be to enjoy the differences between your kids,my kids are as different as night and day but they are amazing in their own way
I learned to make my first one part of the journey. We gave him a list of names for the baby and let him choose one. He felt like he was a part of it all and loved his new sister so much. And Alexis was the best name!
We are expecting our second child which is a girl. Our first is a boy. I have been going through our sons old clothes to determine what will still work for a girl so we don’t have to buy all new clothes. You would be surprised at how much can be used for both genders.
How do you deal with a age gap between your first child and second one?
my advice would give them both attention equally. spend the same alone time with them . so for one child watch a movie they like together and the 2nd child watch a movie that they like,etc.
I haven’t had a second child yet but I can imagine it would come so much easier
Try to take several individual pictures of the 2nd baby. My sister was a second child and she always wanted individual pictures of herself.
We are hoping to have a second soon. Thanks for addressing that you, too worried about having “enough” love to adore your second like the first!
I lost a LOT of sleep over this worry. It terrified me. But an amazing thing happened when my 2nd was born. My heart really did grow 10 times!