Halloween “Boo” Sign Free Printable And Ideas

One of my favorite Halloween traditions is “Booing” our neighbors. Have you ever been “Booed” – do you have any idea what I am talking about? Let me tell you all about Booing your neighbors and give you a free printable Boo sign!

My oldest was six months old when we were first Booed. Now it is as much a part of Halloween in our house as trick-or-treating. Here’s what happens.

Sometime in October, the doorbell rings. When you go to answer it, there is no one there — except a small basket of treats and a note. The note tells of a phantom ghost that has come to town to spread Halloween fun. Once you are Booed, you are challenged to spread the fun within two days by delivering a Boo gift to two neighbors. To ensure everyone gets to be part of the fun, you are also instructed to hang a Boo sign on your door for the rest of the season to let other ghosts know you have already been visited.

Sounds like fun, right? It is.

It is also fun to drive around the neighborhood and see all of the paper ghosts hanging on the doors, more and more appear throughout the month as the Boo is spread.

Plus it is as much fun to deliver the treats as it is to receive them because it is always a challenge to not be seen!

Last week, my daughter and I headed out to look for Halloween supplies. We found tons of great Boo basket treats. Everything was so reasonably priced that I was able to load up our baskets.

Halloween Treats Dollar General

What goes into a Boo basket? You can fill your Boo basket with anything. When my daughter was six months old, our thoughtful neighbor included toddler snacks and a plastic pumpkin bowl. I try to tailor our baskets to the family a little bit (making sure there are enough treats for all of the kids in the house). Ideas include:

After spending way too much time considering our selections, we finally settled on a basket full of fun treats. Our overflowing baskets cost $7 each and were so much fun to put together.

Halloween Boo Treat Baskets

Part of the Boo tradition is to include the Boo poem and a ghost to be hung on the door. To make Booing a little more fun, I decided to design a cute Boo sign and poem.

To download your free Boo poem and Boo sign, click on the image below. That will bring up a PDF that you can print. Both of the images are sized to fit on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper.

Halloween Boo Sign Free Printable

Happy Booing!

20 thoughts on “Halloween “Boo” Sign Free Printable And Ideas”

  1. I love this! I have never heard about it before. I do have 3 young children and this would be really fun to do. I am going to print this up. I think we can have a great time doing this, Thank you for sharing.

  2. This sounds fun, I had never heard of this before. I can buy a lot of fun Halloween stuff at Dollar General for a little bit of money.

  3. This is such a cute idea! Its nice to get something like this mid-october to start off the fun. That way by the end of the month all of the Halloween stuff is “old” giving Thanksgiving a chance to be fun.

  4. What an awesome idea! I love how it lengthens the celebration. My sister and I have tried to figure out ways to do this with our Christmas celebrations, but this is the first idea for Halloween – I love it!

  5. This is adorable! I haven’t heard of booing anyone, but I think that it would be a great tradition to start with my girls. They love Halloween, and I think it is wonderful to teach them that it is just as much about giving as it is about getting treats. 🙂

  6. I love making these!!! I do every year. Usually I put pencils, erasers, note pads, spider and skull rings, and some kind of candy in mine.

  7. i have never heard of this before but love it! sounds a little like playing secret santa, which i love to do. half of the fun is picking out items that are personalized for the family! i am going to suggest this for next year at our neighborhhood meeting!

  8. Thank you so much for making this available on your site. We were “Boo-ed” but the sign was pretty lame, so I’m sending along some much cuter signs. Thank you!


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