How To Choose The Perfect Baby Announcement

You want your baby’s birth announcement to be perfect. After all, it is his/her introduction to the world. But there are just so many choices, and for a new mom perfection can be… well, stressful. With all the things a new mom has going on, the last thing she needs is more stress. Here are seven tips to choosing the perfect baby announcement simple and stress-free.

  1. Photo or no photo. This simple question will define your announcement and should be a reflection of your sense of style. There is no wrong answer here – some prefer the classic text-only style while others opt for the more modern photo announcement. As the recipient of many announcements, I prefer to both send and receive photo announcements. I am a sucker for those sweet faces, and I want to show off my beautiful babe. (But if you prefer text only, go for it.)
  2. Choose your photo first. If you decide on a photo announcement, select the photo or photos before you begin the announcement search, doing so will save time and headaches. There’s nothing worse than wasting time selecting (and falling in love with) the perfect announcement only to have your image not work with the selection. Go ahead, browse announcement styles for ideas, but don’t try to narrow down your selection until you know which picture(s) you want to feature. With all of the announcement options available, finding one to fit your pictures is much easier than trying to make your pictures fit an announcement.
  3. You don’t have to hire a professional. I have gone both ways. With one daughter I hired a professional to take stunning photos of my newborn, with the other I used my favorite snapshots from the hospital to create my announcements. Both announcements turned out beautifully. Use what you have. If you are having professional photos taken, by all means, use those, but if you aren’t don’t worry. Your friends and family will be excited to see your little one however you capture the image.
  4. Where to order? Digital proofing has changed the way we select announcements. While there are still paper shops where you can browse and order your announcements, these days it is easier to order them from the comfort of your home. (And since getting out of the house is hard enough for a mom with an infant, save yourself the hassle and order those announcements in your pjs while baby naps.) There are oodles of places online to order your announcements from, for my new baby I choose to order from Tiny Prints. There are so many beautiful options and the quality is top-notch, I am ecstatic with how they turned out.
  5. Set a budget. The choices can be dizzying and prices range greatly, so the quickest way to narrow your selection to a manageable number is to know how much you want to spend. Tiny Prints has announcements that start at $1.69 for the lowest quantity of 10 ($0.89 each if you buy 100 or $0.69 if ordering +200), and they are truly all beautiful, so you really can’t go wrong. If you have a strict budget, do yourself a favor and use price to narrow your options before you start looking. Don’t let yourself fall in love with something out of your price range, there are plenty of options in every level.
  6. Narrow your options. If you are ordering announcements from an online card company like Tiny Prints, don’t try to select from the hundreds of options on your own. By utilizing the ability to narrow your options by features, you will make the process much quicker. With Tiny Prints, you can narrow by card size, paper type, color p, number of photos and more. The more you narrow, the quicker selection will go.
  7. Compare and contrast. Still too many options? Yeah, I know. Another benefit of ordering online is the ability to create and preview several announcements to choose from. Go ahead and make a couple so you can see how your images and details look on the announcements you are considering. Seeing your baby on your top choices well quickly help you decide which is best.

There are so many decisions to make when a new baby enters the world. I hope these tips help make at least this decision a bit easier, and I recommend Tiny Prints to eliminate any worry about the quality of your perfect birth announcements. Make your budget go further by checking for the latest coupons from Tiny Prints.

Thanks to my photographer, Rebecca Jill Photography, for my stunning baby and family photos!

Disclosure – I was provided product to facilitate this post, however, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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