As a girl of the ’80s, I love that the classics I loved as a girl are new again for my little girl. Having already successfully introduced K to her very own Cabbage Patch Doll, a herd of My Little Ponies and her favorite, Strawberry Shortcake, there was just one more cartoon/toy series on my list to introduce her too – Care Bears. And now I have checked that off my list too.
Out with a brand new movie (Care Bears: Share Bear Shines)Â September 6, 2011, I decided this was the perfect time for her to meet the lovable bears. To my delight, she took one look at the DVD cover art and was all about checking out the new movie.
In the new movie, the Care Bears have gotten a complete CGI makeover from the ’80s classic and has the same animated feel as the latest version of Strawberry Shortcake. Of course, I prefer the retro look… but K seems to really prefer the new CGI look (at least with Strawberry), so it will be interesting when I try to show her the old version…
About the new movie:
Share Bear and a Twinklet named Gleamer lead a heartwarming mission in caring when they travel to Glitter City, a magical place where princesses Stargio trains Twinklets to become stars. Because no one believes in Princess Stargio, her confidence has dimmed… and she’s turning out the lights all over the night sky! With the power of belief and the help of the Care Power Team, Share Bear gets things glowing again in this sparkling movie adventure.
The Care Bears’ look may have gotten a makeover, but they are the same loveable bears on a mission of caring and sharing, and the new movie is no exception. With a running time of 70 minutes, we broke our movie watching experience into three segments without any problem, since we typically watch TV in shorter installments. But K would have happily watched the whole thing straight through if I let her.
By the way, do you have any idea how many Care Bears movies are out there? I did a quick search on Amazon, and I was amazed! I guess I have plenty of material for K to watch! LOL!
Care Bears: Share Bear Shines is now available on DVD. The retail price is $14.98, but Amazon has it on sale for $11.99. A great addition to a Care Bear lover’s collection or to introduce your little one to the classic characters.
Disclosure – I was provided a copy of this movie to facilitate this review, however, all thoughts and opinions are my own.