My Pink Ribbon

Pink is the color of hope, and it is the color for October. It is the color that symbolizes support for research, for hope and for life for breast cancer survivors. It is a color all women should be proud to wear for their mothers, their daughters, their aunts, their sisters, their cousins and their granddaughters. This month I wear pink for all of these women and the hope that one day our generation, my daughter’s generation or her daughter’s generation will find a cure… a real cure for breast cancer. I wear pink for my grandmother and for my aunt, and I wear pink for every family who has loved ones fighting this disease.

While throwing money at a problem isn’t a solution, money does fund the research needed to find a solution. So this month big corporations will pledge to donate funds to the support of this research in the name of those who buy their products. For budget-minded moms, this isn’t a reason to go crazy, but it is an incentive to stock up on your favorite products to show that you appreciate the support companies give to this worth cause.

Here are a couple great ways to show your support and have money donated to the cause on your behalf. (Feel free to tell me about others, I’d love to post more ways to help.)

  1. Dannon Give Hope with Every Cup – Dannon’s pink ribbon yogurt hit the shelves in September, and since Activa is my hubby’s breakfast of choice we are already deep into this promotion. Under specially marked Dannon yogurt cups you will find a code that can be redeemed online for a donation of $.10 per cup to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Don’t throw our your lids, enter the codes online, it’s quick and easy.
  2. Dannon Give Hope with Every Cup on Facebook – Just “like” Dannon Give Hope with Every Cup on Facebook , and they will donate $.10 for every new liker in October.
  3. The Breast Cancer Site – Did you know that buy clicking on The Breast Cancer Site daily (year round) you help the site raise money fund mammograms for women in need of a free mammogram. Yes, one click daily, and you can help.

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