Disney’s Beauty And The Beast Summer Reading Program

I have a 9-year-old who is an avid reader. She is perfectly happy to spend her days with her nose stuck in a book like a certain Disney princess. So she was beside herself with excitement to learn about Disney’s Beauty And The Beast Summer Reading Program. Not only does it include a great list of books to add to her summer reading, she even has a chance to win prizes. 

Beauty And The Beast Summer Reading Program

Beauty And The Beast Summer Reading Program

Encourage your kids to read this summer by signing them up for the Beauty And The Beast Summer Reading Program. There they will find a summer reading list filled with 45 top books, and for each book they read they can write a review. (Another great skill to work on over the summer!) 

Beauty And The Beast Summer Reading Prizes

Ready to get your kids reading with a chance to win great Beauty and the Beast prizes?

  • Sign up at DogoBooks
  • Mail in the consent form
  • Read books from the list
  • Write reviews
  • Win prizes

Want to know what book to start with? Smile is one of her all-time favorite books, she has read it several times. Wonder and a Wrinkle in Time were already on her summer list to read, and she has added the ones from the bottom row to her list too. 

Smile by Raina TelgemeierSmile by Raina TelgemeierGhosts by Raina TelgemeierGhosts by Raina TelgemeierWonder by R. J. PalacioWonder by R. J. PalacioA Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'EngleA Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’EngleLea Dives In (American Girl)Lea Dives In (American Girl)The Isle of the Lost: A Descendants NovelThe Isle of the Lost: A Descendants NovelBeauty and the Beast: Lost in a BookBeauty and the Beast: Lost in a BookThe Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting BoyThe Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy


To help them keep track of summer reading, download my free Summer Reading Log printable

Summer Reading Log

Don’t forget, the live action Beauty and the Beast is now out on Blu-Ray and Digital. If your family hasn’t seen the retelling of this classic tale, my family highly recommends it!!!

Beauty And The Beast [Blu-ray]Beauty And The Beast [Blu-ray]


More Free Summer Reading Programs Kids


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