This year I officially have a reader to enjoy the free summer reading programs available. And I am excited. Sure, we have taken advantage of these programs in the past — with me reading to her. But this year I will be able to use them to help motivate her to continue reading all summer. Luckily, she is very excited about reading so it should be a problem, but a little incentive never hurt! The 2018 free summer reading programs details are starting to come out. Keep checking as we get more information about what’s new.
2018 Free Summer Reading Programs!
***Updated for 2018 ***

- TD Bank Summer Reading Program – From June 1 – August 31, 2017, 10 books = $10! One your kids read 10 books have them fill out form, take it to your nearest TD Bank and TD Bank will deposit $10 into their Young Saver Account. (Note, you will need to either have or open a Young Saver Account for this program.) $10 cash!
- Barnes and Noble’s Summer Reading – From May 16 – September 5, 2017, have your kids read any 8 books and record them in the Barnes & Noble Summer Reading Triathlon Journal. Once they complete the journal, they can take it back to the store to pick a free book from the list at the back of the journal. Free book!
- Chuck E. Cheese’s Reading Rewards Calendar – Through December 31, 2017, Chuck E. Cheese will reward kids for good behavior with its calendars. Download a Reading Rewards Calendar and your kiddo can mark off each day he/she reads. When the calendar is full, two weeks, turn it into your local Chuck E. Cheese for 10 free game tokens. Bonus, this can be done again and again. (PS – there are other reward calendars too.) 10 free game tokens!
- Scholastic’s Summer Challenge – Through September 5, kids can log summer reading minutes to earn digital prizes. In addition to tips and videos about summer reading, there are also weekly sweepstakes (on Fridays) that parents can enter on behalf of their readers. Plus reading minutes for schools around the country are tracked, so you can help your school earn bragging rights. Chance to win prizes! (Starts May 8, 2017.)
- Showcase Cinemas – Bring a book report (form is downloadable from website) on Wednesdays from July 8 – July 29, kids get in for free to see selected movies on Wednesdays at 10:00 am. Free movie!
- Pottery Barn Kids Summer Reading Challenge – Through August 26 PBK invites children to ‘take the challenge’ by reading 14 hand-selected books from one of two lists. Children who complete the book list and bring it to a Pottery Barn Kids location will receive a free book, and parents can enter their child into an online drawing for a backpack full of books. Free book! (2017 information not yet available.)
- Half Price Books Feed Your Brain – In June and July (through August 10), kids 14 and under can earn a $5 coupon by reading at least 300 minutes a month and tracking their reading minutes with this reading calendar. Each month, one top reader per age group will win a $20 HPB Gift Card. $5 Half Price Bucks! (2016 information not yet available.)
- Sylvan Book Adventure – Kids (K-8) read books (7,000 titles to choose from), and then take a short quiz to earn points. The points can then be redeemed for prizes including a three-month subscription to Highlights Magazine and a chocolate bar. Bonus, parents can monitor kids reading with online progress reports. Redeem points for prizes.
- Book It – BookIt offers activities and printables to help prevent the summer slip. Plus parents will find summer reading list by grade. Fun activities.
- HEB Grocery Stores’, HE Buddy Summer Reading Club – Read any 10 books, and then mail back the form by September 1 to receive your “cool” prize. (I am guessing a t-shirt since it asks for shirt size.) FYI – this year this is valid for Texas residents only. Free t-shirt! (2017 information not yet available.)
- Books A Million – Read any four books on the summer reading program by August 17, have your parents verify and sign the form and return to your local BAM for a free Maze Runner series water bottle (while supplies last). Free water bottle!
- Applebee’s Book Worm Reading Club – This reading-focused reward program encourages students ages 12 or younger at school or the library to read at least 10 books that they record on their “Bookworm Club” record card. Once a student completes all 10 books they will earn a free kid’s meal at Applebee’s (when accompanied by an adult making a purchase). Free kid’s meal!
- Beauty and the Beast Summer Reading Program – Read books from a list of 45 select books for a chance to earn free prizes including a lip balm, journal and a copy of Beauty and the Beast!
- Reading Rewards – Customize a reading incentive program just for your kids with Reading Rewards. This site makes it easy (and free) to set up your own reading goals and allow your kids to “buy” rewards in the reward store created by you. Ideas include: movie night, trip to the dollar store, sleepover with friends – anything you can think up.
- Sync Summer Reading Program for Teens – Here’s a summer reading program made especially for teens (13+) that will get them two free audiobooks each week from April 26 – July 25, 2018.
- Local libraries – Most local libraries have some kind of summer reading program often with goodie bags from local merchants. Check your local library for more details.
More ideas!
Amazon Summer Reading area helps you shop for summer books by age with special deals featured on hard books and Kindle books.
Create your own summer reading rewards program at home with these free printables.
Plus keep your kids busy this summer with these 15 Free Summer Activities For Kids.

Thank you for the more than valuable information