Sweet Tea Apple Cider Recipe

While our friends in the north are ready to warm up with toasty beverages, here in Florida it’s just too hot for a warm drink. But that doesn’t mean we don’t want to enjoy the flavors of fall, so I created a Sweet Tea Apple Cider to cool off with the flavors of fall. This Sweet Tea Apple Cider post is sponsored by Lipton.

Sweet Tea Apple Cider

Sweet tea isn’t just a drink, it’s a way of life in the south. It’s the perfect beverage to enjoy with lunch, dinner or any time of the day. And the flavors of apple cider give it just a little something extra. Even my husband, the die-hard sweet-tea connoisseur admitted that this twist had his seal of approval. (And he enjoyed two glasses with dinner I might add.)

Not just for family dinners, I’ll be mixing up a double batch of Sweet Tea Apple Cider for our neighborhood Halloween pot luck in a few weeks. I know it will be a hit — cool, refreshing and a perfect pairing for a pot luck meal with friends.

Iced Tea Apple Cider

Sweet Tea Apple Cider


  • 4 cups Lipton Sweat Tea flavor iced tea
  • 2 cups apple cider
  • 1-2 sliced apples
  • Cinnamon stick (for garnish)

Lipton Sweet Tea


Combine Lipton Sweat Tea flavor iced tea and apple cider in a pitcher or large mason jar.

Add apple slices.

Place mixture in the fridge overnight and allow flavors to combine.

Pour over a glass of ice and serve with a cinnamon stick garnish.

Sweet Tea Cider

Lipton Bright Bites

Whatever flavors of iced tea you enjoy, you will find the perfect meal-time pairing at Lipton Bright Bites. With recipe ideas featuring fall flavors and Lipton bottled iced tea, there are lots of great ideas from bloggers to inspire your menu planning. Be sure to visit Lipton Bright Bites for more reimagined iced tea ideas.

Happy fall ya’ll! 

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