Prescriptions And Everything To Feel Better At CVS Pharmacy In Target

It’s every parent’s nightmare — the middle of the night call from their child who doesn’t feel well. Last week, it was that terrible barking cough, the tell-tale sound of croup. Not fun. As soon as we were able, we were off to the doctor. And after the doctor agreed with my mom diagnosis, we were off to pick up a prescription to make my girl feel better. Prescription in hand, where did we go? To the CVS Pharmacy in Target. 

CVS Pharmacy In Target

CVS Pharmacy in Target

Conveniently located on our way home, heading to Target meant that we could also pick up a few things we needed along the way. (And maybe a couple extra things that weren’t on our list, like a sparkly skirt I spotted for big sister. I swear it just jumped in the cart as we rolled past!)

As a treat, I let Sissy pick out a pumpkin and some ice pops for her sore throat. Then we stopped by the CVS Pharmacy to pick up her prescription. With all of our information stored from visiting other CVS Pharmacies in the past, it was a quick trip to the counter to pick up what we needed. 

CVS Prescription at Target

The guy in front of us had just gotten his flu shot and was thrilled to learn he would receive a $5 Target gift card for getting a flu shot too. If you haven’t gotten your flu shot yet, the CVS Pharmacy in Target is the way to go.

I am happy to report Sissy slept much better that night, and all signs of the croup are now gone. Of course the medicine did the real work, but the pumpkin and ice pops sure had a nice placebo effect to help her feel better too. 

With CVS Pharmacy now located in Target, you can pick up your prescriptions while you shop and still earn ExtraCare Bucks. It’s great for CVS customers and Target customers alike. 

Learn more about CVS Pharmacy inside Target and don’t forget to sign up for ExtraCare Bucks if you haven’t already. 

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