Valentine’s Day Pudding Cup Jokes Free Printable

Do you like to pack notes and surprises in your kids’ lunchboxes? Then I have a treat for you (and your kids!) Valentine’s Day Lunch Box Jokes that wrap around Snack Pack cups. Imagine the joy on your little Valentine’s face when opening their lunch box to discover dessert and a Valentine’s Day joke. That’s how you pack a smile!

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Valentine's Day Lunch Box Jokes Printables
A few weeks ago my daughter announced, “I want to start packing my own lunches.” Instantly I was filled with a mix of excitement and dread. Of course, I am happy to pass off the nightly lunch box chore. On the other hand, when did my baby get so big?!

After the announcement, K was quick to add, “But you can still slip in notes and stuff after I finish packing it. I just want to pack the food, you can pack surprises.”

Whew, my baby isn’t all grown yet. What’s more, she loves my little notes. Of course, that just meant it was time to make a new set of printables for her (and to share!).

Valentine's Day Jokes Printables

Valentine’s Day Pudding Cup Jokes Printable

What’s better than a lunch box note? A lunch box joke!

To pack a joke, download the pudding cup Valentine’s Day jokes HEREAfter you print the jokes, cut them out and wrap them around your Valentine’s favorite Snack Pack for a dessert that sure to make your valentine giggle.

Snack Pack Lunch Box
(Pssst, these would also make great classroom party treats! Just saying!)

Snack Pack

Snack Pack snacks are available in a variety of pudding and jiggly gel flavors that make a fun (and easy) lunchtime snack. Plus the pudding snacks are made with real nonfat milk and fortified with as much calcium as an 8-ounce glass of milk (all puddings except the Bakery Shop Lemon Meringue Pie and Lemon Pudding).

Now Snack Packs are even easier for students to enjoy in their lunches because Snack Packs have a new easy-open lid.

Snack Pack Pudding Cups
Go ahead print the jokes, wrap them around a Snack Pack and pack a special treat for your Valentine.

K loves #SnackPack pudding cups, and she has a joke for you. (More Valentine’s Day joke pudding cup wrappers on the blog.) #ad

A video posted by Jen @ TheSuburbanMom (@thesuburbanmom) on

24 thoughts on “Valentine’s Day Pudding Cup Jokes Free Printable”

  1. How awesome that there is cute lunch box notes that you put on this pudding! We love Snack Pack pudding cups and they taste delicious and are not expensive to buy! I will have to try the notes on the pudding.

  2. I love this. I agree with Tina, in that I could totally see doing this for everyone in my family, including my husband 🙂 Thanks for the smile

  3. She is adorable and I love how she still likes to get a note or surprise from you. I like the idea of the notes or surprises on yogurt or pudding- something you know is good for her and it gets put in yet too cute for her to pass up. Very clever!
    Yep, they grow up so fast!!

  4. That is an adorable idea, my son is 11 I try to slip little things that say I love him into his lunchbox. I just make sure it isn’t something that anybody else will notice. They really do grow up fast.

  5. Awwww, how sweet that your daughter wants to pack her own lunches but still wants her mother’s love packed in there, too. And no wonder, with the obvious time and care you put into the notes. How nice for both of you!

  6. First of all, your daughter is beautiful! And secondly, she will always have a lovely memory of you putting notes in with her lunch. My daughter is a mother now and remembered how much she enjoyed the notes I would include in her lunches so is continuing the tradition with her own kids.


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