The Relaxing Florida Vacation You’ve Been Craving – Gulf County, Florida

This post brought to you by Gulf County, Florida. The content and opinions expressed below are that of The Suburban Mom.

Last spring my family discovered a new side of Florida when we visited Gulf County, Florida. Away from all of the hustle and bustle, we were amazed to find a quite, secluded piece of untouched beach that is simply beautiful, completely serene and wonderful. We are beach people who have grown up on Florida beaches, but the beaches of Gulf County, Florida were unlike anything we had ever seen. 

Gulf County was ah-mazing in the spring — even during the chilly cold snap we experienced on our visit. I am sure it was fabulous this summer, and as we head into fall I am certain guests will continued to be amazed by the tranquility of Gulf County. 

Gulf County Florida Beach Sunrise
While the rest of the country is preparing for the fall to usher in cool temperatures, this is Florida — it will be beach weather still for months!  That makes Gulf County, Florida an idea destination for a relaxing fall vacation.

Seriously, if you want to unplug, this is the place to go. One of the quirky qualities of Gulf County is the spotty (at best) cell reception. This is the kind of vacation you take when you want to unplug the family and enjoy some quality bonding time. And even this tech-obsessed family appreciated a chance to truly get away from it all. 

Because GCFL is completely void of big hotels, it is a great place to visit with a large group of friends or family. You will find lodging in huge beach vacation homes that sleep a dozen or more — perfect for a group to rent together. 

What to do in Gulf County, Florida

Horseback riding — on the beach.

Gulf County Horseback Ride Beach
Family fishing — for the very first time.

Gulf County Fishing
Exploring the vast open beaches for shells.

Gulf County Florida Beach
Soak in the sunsets — and moments like this.

Gulf County Florida Sunset
And so much more…

If you still need more convincing (or perhaps vacation planning), check out GCFL’s Pinterest boards and Facebook page for inspiration and insider tips. You can also subscribe to the GCFL newsletter for specials and promotions. 

Do you have plans for fall travel yet? Come visit GCFL!

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9 thoughts on “The Relaxing Florida Vacation You’ve Been Craving – Gulf County, Florida”

  1. This looks like an absolutely wonderful place to visit! It would be a nice vacation spot for the whole family. Thanks for the information!

  2. wow this might be my next staycation, its probaly 2 hours tops away, i love lonley beaches, i used to take the oldest kids to indian rocks beach about 12 years ago, oh it was so peaceful and just perfect.

  3. I live on the Gulf Coast is Florida, so I know exactly what you mean about beach weather lasting for a long time. It will be very much like summer for at least another month and a half.


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