Find Your Back To School Style At Target

Tell me if this sounds familiar.

I went to Target for a new pillow, and I ended up at check out with a rug, school clothes for the girls, storage baskets, a gift card, some detergent, a birthday gift I found on clearance and more..

Target does it again. Right?!

Target Shopping Cart
Although my husband would disagree, it’s not necessarily a bad thing. I mean where else can you get your groceries, back to school shopping, gift shopping, home decor, clothing, shoes, etc. all in the same place?! That’s Target for you! 

While today’s trip agenda didn’t include back-to-school shopping, I did have plans to check out the clothing another day, just not with my girls in tow. (Sometimes there input isn’t as helpful as they think!)

But when it comes to Target, you never know when you are going to find something you need. For example, just moments after walking in the door, we spied Frozen socks and panties for both of my girls. Oh boy were they excited! 

Target Shopping
Yes, my daughter is wearing a crown. It was a gift from my Aunt that often makes an appearance out and about. BTW – she bought it at Target last Christmas and I recently spotted them in the Dollar Spot again. Just sayin’.

After we were diverted already from the pillow mission, within the first few feet of Target we decided to go ahead and check out the kids clothes. (Might as well, right?) As usual I hear a lot of, “Oh mom, I love this. Look at this mom. Mom, PINK!” My mini shopper hasn’t yet met a clothing department she didn’t love. 

While I reigned her in, “No more tank tops K, you can’t wear them to school.” We wandered up and down the aisle tossing clothes in the cart. Pants, tops, dresses, PJs… (What did I come in for again?)

Of course Sissy couldn’t be left out. So when we finished we headed over to the toddler section, and mimicking big sis she held up shirts she pulled off the shelf and said, “Mommy, I love this!”

How can one say no to this face?

Target Style
In case you missed it in the first picture, I did eventually get my pillow, but not before my kids found tons of cute clothes! 

The final tally for K:

  • Shorts
  • Pants
  • Dress x2
  • Shirt x2
  • Tank top (it was on clearance…)
  • Super cool sunnies

Back To School Kids Fashion Target
Little sister faired well too:

  • Pants x 2
  • Shirt x 4
  • Leggings x 2
  • Shorts x 2

Kids Clothes Target
 Yep, Target does it again!

Target Logo
Every little thing is a really big deal. 

Compensation was provided by Target via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Target.

6 thoughts on “Find Your Back To School Style At Target”

  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE TARGET! We did all of our back to school shopping there! I got DD3 a gorgeous kilt and sweater set! EEK! can’t wait till next week to see her wear it!

  2. My ultimate dream is to be locked in a Target store with no one else around so I can browse as long as I want up and down every single aisle!


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