My Family’s Three Calendar Organization System

This post brought to you by BIC®. All opinions are 100% mine.

The pen is mightier than the… computer. In a world where everything is going digital and keeping a digital calendar makes sense, I can’t let go of my paper calendar systems. Yes, plural – systems.  

Family Calendar

I am a list maker. I get satisfaction from making lists and from crossing things off my list. While I have been known to utilize sticky note programs on my computer for list making, deleting things from said system doesn’t provide the same satisfaction as crossing things off. I can’t visually see my accomplishments. So I prefer to make lists the old-fashion way with pen and paper. And the most important list of all is my editorial calendar for the blog – one giant to-do list.

The second most important list in the house is our family calendar. The calendar hangs on the pantry door for quick reference of birthday parties, special days at school and more.

Bic Atlantis Pen

Finally, there is my digital calendar. Because I get so wrapped up in what I am doing  I need a reminder to attend appointments or scheduled conference calls, so I keep a digital calendar filled with audible reminders that pop-up on my screen to get my attention — even when I am lost in thought.

To some it may seem like overkill to have three separate calendars, but to me it makes sense. A work calendar that I can cross off accomplishments, a family calendar that everyone can reference easily in the kitchen and a digital calendar to remind me to get moving.

In order to keep a handwritten calendar, you need a good pen. And I have a great fondness for pens. I have a drawer filled with pens and certain ones assigned to different tasks — don’t mess with momma’s pens.

Bic Atlantis Pens

The newest pens in my err… “collection” are the BIC Atlantis®. This new retractable pen features BIC®’s exclusive Easy-Glide System® ink, which provides up to 35% smoother writing compared to traditional BIC® ball pens. BIC Atlantis® pens come in traditional ink colors (black and blue) and fashion colors (pink, green, teal and purple).

Bic Atlantis® pens (and three calendars) help keep my family organized during the busy school year. Plus BIC Back-to-School pens participate in Labels for Education. So when you buy BIC® for all of your back-to-school needs you can also support your school with Labels for Education.

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5 thoughts on “My Family’s Three Calendar Organization System”

  1. You made my day, read your calendar article then got to the part about your pen collection….I bought a 2-pack of BIC Atlantis last week to add to my pen obsession- I love them!

  2. We live by our lists too. My husband has his digital calendar but we have a family calendar that has all the events going on in our lives. Like you, I enjoy crossing things off. It helps me to see what I got done.

  3. I NEED to become more of a listmaker. I used to take pride in keeping everything in my head but my life is just too complicated now. I mostly use a digital calendar. Those little reminder “beeps” are essential!


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