Breathe Easy With ARM & HAMMER™ Simply Saline™

tsm 2“I don’t feel well/my head hurts/my nose is stuffy/my throat hurts/etc.”

“Did you spray your nose?”


“Spray your nose.” 

I have had this conversation with my mother more times than I can count for as long as I can remember. Yes, even still today. My mom is a firm believer in the power of a saline nose spray. Firm. And I am – stubborn. Even when I know she is right. 

I remember the feeling of nose spray from the days when it came in a squeeze bottle, and I had to basically squirt salt water in my nose. I didn’t like it, and I fought tooth and nail against it. But saline nose spray has come a long way. 

Instead of a squirt bottle, ARM & HAMMER™ Simply Saline™ Nasal Relief is a mist not a spay. I know that sounds like I am splitting hairs, but it makes a world of difference. Instead of squirting globs of water up my nose, compressed air forces a fine mist into my nose. It is, dare I say it, no big deal. Really. 

Even with my stubborn streak, what I have always liked about using saline sprays is that they are a natural remedy — no drugs. Made of two simple ingredients, water and salt, it is a home remedy that works. Which means it is safe and non-habit forming with no-known side effects and can be used by the whole family. It can even safely be used daily as part of everyday maintenance for allergy suffers. 

Arm Hammer Simply Saline Nasal Relief

ARM & HAMMER™ Simply Saline™ Nasal Relief can be used to moisturize and clear nasal congestion providing quick and natural relief, which is why it is my mom’s go-to solution. Stuffy nose, clear it out. Sinus pressure, clear it out. Post-nasal drip causing a sore throat, clear it out. Simply Saline™ provides relief from nasal congestion and its various symptoms..

Plus because it is just saline, ARM & HAMMER™ Simply Saline™ Nasal Relief can be used in conjunction with decongestants, allergy medicines and even antibiotics for even more relief. 

As a mom who is very leery of giving my children any kind of cold medication, saline is stuffy nose relief I can use with confidence. And because the ARM & HAMMER™ Simply Saline™ Nasal Relief is so fine, even my daughter doesn’t mind using it. 

ARM & HAMMER™ Simply Saline™ Nasal Relief:

  • Moisturizes and flushes dust and irritants from nasal passages
  • Drug-free, made from two natural ingredients: water & salt
  • Non-addictive, can be used as often as needed
  • Gentle mist, with adaptable nozzle
  • Contents remain sterile throughout use
  • Use alone or with your cold or allergy medicine
  • Available in three convenient sizes

I always knew mom was right, even if I didn’t want to use the spray. But with the soft mist provided by ARM & HAMMER™ Simply Saline™ Nasal Relief now I really have no excuse for not spraying my nose. And the next time my daughter gets a stuffy nose you can bet I will pass her the  ARM & HAMMER™ Simply Saline™ Nasal Relief so I can be the mom who says, “Did you spray your nose?”

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22 thoughts on “Breathe Easy With ARM & HAMMER™ Simply Saline™”

  1. I have to get me some of this Arm and Hammer Saline. I heard that it really works and is good to use in the winter months when a lot of sickness is going around. Thanks for letting me know about this!

  2. I could use this right now! I’ve been fighting a head cold I got from my grandson who just started preschool. I’ll have to look into this!

  3. Saline mist has made a huge difference for me. We have a lot of allergies in the family. sadly I learned relatively recently that when I have been out in a high pollen or a dusty situation, spraying the nose helps tremendously to remove those irritants. I always would shower, but now I first put in eyedrops to rinse off my eyes and then spray my nose.

  4. I’ve used this myself and can vouch for its effectiveness. Last winter, I couldn’t find any relief for my poor nose until I found this spray.

  5. We all suffer from allergies in our home. I have a hard time with nasal sprays for the kids, but we try all kinds of things to help with stuffiness. Thanks for the info.

  6. I have not used this before. But I have had the worse allergies and stuffy nose this year! It makes going to sleep at night really hard. I can’t got to sleep breathing through my mouth very well.

  7. Can’t wait to try this. i especially need it at night. Arm & Hammer makes great products. I love the laundry soap and toothpaste, i’m glad they are expanding their product line.

  8. I have bad allergies and use a saline spray regularly. I haven’t tried the arm and hammer brand before but I’ll be sure to check it out next time I’m out at the store.

  9. I currently use Arm & Hammer Simply Saline, It works great on keeping my seasonal allergies at bay. When I wake up I spray twice in each nostril and I am good to go, no stuffy or runny noses anymore.

  10. I bought this for my son to use; but so far each time he’s tried it, the product just comes right back out of his nose and out his mouth. It’s weird… obviously we’re doing something wrong but can’t figure out what. We’ve followed all the instructions,


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