How To Save On HP Ink At Walmart ~ Giveaway

We go through a lot of ink in our house – a lot. Printing coupons, coloring pages, photos, etc… it adds up. It seems like every time I turn around I am getting an error message that my printer is running out of ink. Of course, coupons don’t print well as ink runs low so I can’t have that.

So when it comes to buying ink, I buy in large quantities. That’s why I was happy to learn that Walmart now carries HP XL ink cartridges. HP’s XL ink cartridges fit just like regular cartridges in your HP printers. They just hold more ink. The best part is you can save up to 40% on printing* with HP XL ink cartridges. (*Compared with single, standard HP ink cartridges. Based on average retail pricing, actual prices may vary.) What mom doesn’t love that?


I recently visited Walmart with a challenge – to purchase ink for my HP printer and other groceries and personal items without going over budget. My budget $75. So, how did I do? Great, of course.

The first thing I did at Walmart was compare ink prices. I stood in that aisle calculating a lot of math! I quickly discovered that your actual saving varies depending on the type of ink you need for your printer. For my specific ink cartridge the XL saves me about 13%, however, I did find other cartridges where the XL saves a lot more (up to 40%). But 13% is 13%, I am happy with any savings!

After concluding the XL was the best choice for me, I went about my shopping trip loading up on everything we needed. At the end of my trip, I had purchased everything shown in the picture below (plus two containers of Gerber Puffs that I didn’t even realize had toddled off with my baby until after the pictures were taken). My total was $73.44 (before tax), but since I always take a pile of coupons with me my new total was $60.56. That’s nearly enough to get a color cartridge too. I am such a savvy shopper. XL ink is definitely the way to go!

Walmart Shopping Trip HP Ink

Here’s another benefit to buying the XL cartridges over standard – bigger is greener. Since you get more ink in a single cartridge you are reduce packaging and gas admissions travelling back to the store for more ink. Plus you can also recycle used ink cartridges for free at Walmart – another perk!

So next time you need HP ink, buy the XL size to save money and the planet. Don’t forget to recycle your old cartridge too.


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Disclosure – This post is brought to you in partnership with Mom Select, however, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

76 thoughts on “How To Save On HP Ink At Walmart ~ Giveaway”

  1. i would print your mickey mouse ear tutorial. im planning my lil girls birthday party for december and ill be doing everything. so that means ill sure be printing a ton.


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