This weekend, we had the first pool party of the season. (Oh how I love living in Florida!) A text message went out in the am and by 5 pm there were four happy four year olds splashing in the pool on a beautiful evening. It’s officially pool season, and that means Popsicle season. After all, there’s no better way to cool off than with a Popsicle. Oh wait, there is…
A Yosicle!
Alight, maybe not better. Popsicles are still rocking yummy, but Yosicles… well, they rank right up there as a perfect summer treat. All the cool frozen yumminess plus the creaminess of yogurt all wrapped up in one — that’s a Yosicle. Sounds good, right? But what do the kids think?
Smiles all around!
(Oh and moms and dads like them too!)
This one is too little to try Popsicles just yet, but she sure does like to watch her sister splash in the pool. (Maybe next time mom will take her in too.)
The kids enjoyed Yosicle Duos! in Watermelon-Vanilla and Cotton Candy-Vanilla. Duos are like a traditional Popsicle on the outside with a yogurt center. Apparently, there are many ways to eat a Yosicle. A couple of Yosicle eating techniques displayed by our pool party goers were: style number one, bite and chew the Yosicle whole; style number two, lick the Yosicle until it is gone and style number three, bite off the Popsicle part first and then eat the yogurt center. Who knew!
Oh, and after my daughter ate her Yosicle what did I hear? “Mom, can I have another one.”
Sorry K, just one. But you have all summer to enjoy them.
A little bit of technical info for mom: Each low-fat pop contains 10% nonfat yogurt and is an excellent source of calcium per two-pop serving. Yosicles are $3.99 per box (there are 12 in a box), and you can find a coupon for $.50 off on Popsicle’s Facebook page.
GIVEAWAY – One lucky reader will win a six-month supply of Yosicles (in the form of coupons) and a $50 AMEX gift card to host your own summer pool party.
To enter – Please use the Rafflecopter form below to take advantage of your entry opportunities.
MANDATORY ENTRY MUST BE LEFT AS COMMENT ON BLOG POST BELOW– then you can check off in Rafflecopter that you did it. Otherwise, all other entries will be invalid. (Click instructions for what to comment about.)
*** PLEASE be sure to read instructions in Rafflecopter form as to what to comment about.***
Disclosure – As a Yo! Mom blog ambassador, I have received product on behalf of Popsicle. All opinions are my 100% mine.
the torpedos
I’d go for the Duos!™ Purple Berry-Vanilla & Cherry-Vanilla.
I would like to try the Duos!™ Purple Berry-Vanilla & Cherry-Vanilla
I would like to try the Duos!™ Watermelon-Vanilla & Cotton Candy-Vanilla
I’d love to try the Duos!™ Watermelon-Vanilla & Cotton Candy-Vanilla.
We would love to try their Torpedo!
I’d love to try torpedo!
My kids would love the
I would try the Torpedos
love the Torpedo:)
the the Duos!™ Watermelon-Vanilla & Cotton Candy-Vanilla
The Torpedo looks like fun!
Would love to try the Torpedo!™
I like the Torpedo!™ green watermelon variety.
Duos!™ Watermelon-Vanilla & Cotton Candy-Vanilla
Duos! Watermelon-Vanilla
I would like to try the Duos!™ Watermelon-Vanilla & Cotton Candy-Vanilla.
I’d love to try the Duos Cherry-Vanilla!
I’d like to try the Duos!™ Purple Berry-Vanilla & Cherry-Vanilla.
Watermelon-Vanilla sounds yummy!
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Layerz please
I’d like to try the Duos!™ Purple Berry-Vanilla & Cherry-Vanilla! Yum! Thanks for the giveaway!
The torpedos! This is a great giveaway, fun for the family and the guests!
My dauther would love yosicle. I hope I win.
I want to try the Duos Purple Berry-Vanilla & Cherry-Vanilla.
I’d like to try the Torpedo!
I would like to try the Layerz!
WOW! I love all of the different varities!!!! And the cotton candy sounds yummy!
love the Torpedo
I’d like to try the Duos!™ Watermelon-Vanilla & Cotton Candy-Vanilla
like that they have calcium
i like the duos- purple berry!
I would love to try the layerz!
i want to try the Duos!™ Purple Berry-Vanilla & Cherry-Vanilla
I would love to try the Torpedo Yosicle!
I want the layerz!
love to try their Torpedo!
I’d love to try the Torpedo. These would FLY out of our freezer in the summer – my kids LOVE popsicles! (so do I, lol)
We would try the Duos!™ Watermelon-Vanilla & Cotton Candy-Vanilla – Yummy, I know my boys will love them
Duos!™ Purple Berry-Vanilla & Cherry-Vanilla
the torpedo yogurt ones!
Purple Berry-Vanilla & Cherry-Vanilla.
Cotton candy Vanilla
I’d like to try the Duos! Thanks so much!
My daughter has already tried the Layerz so I think she would enjoy the duos watermelon and cotton candy vanilla
I would like to try the duos!
torpedos for me
I’d like to try the cherry-vanilla duos.
I would love Duos!™ Purple Berry-Vanilla & Cherry-Vanilla
I would like to try the Duos!™ Purple Berry-Vanilla & Cherry-Vanilla
I’d love to try the Layerz but I think my kids would most like the Torpedoes.
torpedos sound good.
I would like the Cherry Vanilla
torpeo’s my kids would love those
tcogbill at live dot com
Duos! Purple Berry & Cherry sound good.
Would love to try the Duos!™ Watermelon-Vanilla & Cotton Candy-Vanilla the most!
duo cotton candy
I would most like to try the Duos!™ Purple Berry-Vanilla & Cherry-Vanilla.
The Torpedos look fun and yummy, but the purple-berry vanilla and cherry-vanilla sound like the perfect comco!
I would love to try the layerz
I want to try all of them, but will start with the duos first. 🙂
i would like to try the layerz
The Yosicle Torpedos look good
I’d love to try the layers yosicle!!
cherry vanilla looks good
the cotton candy vanilla duo looks yummy
torpedos for us
The yogurt torpedos.
I like the duo’s the watermelon one sounds good
I want to try the Duos!™ Watermelon-Vanilla & Cotton Candy-Vanilla
Duos – Watermelon/Vanilla & Cotton Candy/Vanilla
The watermelon vanilla sound yummy
the torpedo !
We LOVE the DUOs – vanilla cotton candy@
The Torpedo’s look very good =]
I think I will try the Layerz first. Thanks for telling me about Yosicles! This is the first I have heard of them and they would be a hit in my home!
Cotton-candy vanilla
I’d love to try Layerz the most,thank you.
I want to try the watermelon vanilla cotton candy. Sounds like a crazy combo, but then again, I’m crazy!
thattweetthing at gmail dot com
Purple Berry Vanilla & Cherry Vanilla
The torpedo looks really fun and yummy
The Torpedo!
Purple Berry-Vanilla & Cherry-Vanilla Duos!
The torpedo looks great!
Duos!™ Watermelon-Vanilla & Cotton Candy-Vanilla
i would like to try the layerz
the kids would say Torpedos’ but it would be Duos for me!!
I would like to try the Torpedo’s
my “grown kids” would like torpedo’s lol
I would like to try the Duos!™ Watermelon-Vanilla & Cotton Candy-Vanilla.
I;d love to try the Layerz!
twitted this
The Duos!™ Purple Berry-Vanilla & Cherry-Vanilla sound SO good! I think my kids would love them… and my preggo self too, LOL!
Mmm The Torpedo’s look yummy!
great popsicle giveaway
The Torpedo’s look yummy!!
Duos! Watermelon-Vanilla & Cotton Candy-Vanilla.
I would love to try the Torpedo Yosicle!!
purple-berry duo
twitted for this
the torpedos looks fun
Oh we would love to try the Torpedo! Carter loves his popsicles!
i’d want to try the cherry vanilla duos.
Duo’s Purple berry-vanilla and cherry-vanilla. Since the kids love anything purple and my favorite flavor is vanilla, I figure this flavor will be very popular at my house this summer.
I would like to try the Layerz
I’d love to try these – Watermelon-Vanilla & Cotton Candy-Vanilla!
Thank you.
I would like to try the torpedo’s
Torpedo! would be yummy to try!
I think I like Layerz
Duos!™ Watermelon-Vanilla & Cotton Candy-Vanilla YUM!!!
The Duos!™ Purple Berry-Vanilla & Cherry-Vanilla sounds awesome!
Would love to try the yosicle duos!
I would love Torpedo