Are We Being Brainwashed by Car Companies?

With less than a week until the BIG game, advertisers are scrambling to get their message to viewers. Hyundai has released a viral campaign leading up to the big day, and I’ve got the videos for ya. What’s the single most important feature of a commercial? Humor and a grab, Hyundai has them both with sheep driving cars and a full-fledged conspiracy theory. (Hey, they made me laugh!)

Are you ready to learn about Hyundai’s conspiracy theory? A conspiracy perpetuated by “other” compact-car manufacturers?


What do you think? Is it a conspiracy? Still not sure, check out this clip of possible subliminal backward messaging coming from this compact car. (This one is my fav!)


Another theory, that we are all just sheep following what we have been brain-washed into believing. Need proof, how about a sheep driving a car? LOL!


This is only the beginning of Hyundai’s conspiracy “proof,” there is more to come leading up to the Super Bowl with the best saved for the big game. (Not sure that I will watch the game, but you can bet I will be looking for the rest of the videos on YouTube after the game!)  So what do you think, does the “theory” have your attention?

Disclosure – this is a sponsored post, however, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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