Make Money by Saving Money

When my daughter was born, we decided  I would stay home with my daughter and work from home. Obviously, the change left a dent in what was our dual income pre baby. A dent I will never regret, however, a dent that made me decide to take up another job as a couponer. While I don’t bring home as much money, in my new “job” I contribute everyday in small ways by saving money on purchases. So, like everything else I do, I went at it all in, and today I find myself telling my readers about all of the awesome deals I find in my lengthy searches 🙂

It isn’t always easy to save money – although sometimes it is so easy, I wonder why anyone pays full price for certain items – but it does “pay.” One of the most obvious ways to save money is to use coupons. In order to be an effective couponer you MUST have a system. Otherwise you end up with all these tiny scraps of paper all over the place. (Even with a system, this happens at my house, but I am working on it.) Some people prefer to leave coupon flyers intact, and cut them out as needed. Others (like me) cut everything out and organize in a mini file folder. (Hint – I saw mini file folders in the $1 section at Target last week.) Still others only cut the things they use all of the time and trash the rest. There’s no wrong way, just figure out what works for you and go for it.

The next obvious way is to use online coupon codes. As online shopping has become the norm, online coupon codes have become common practice. In additon to online coupons for clothes and fun stuff, there are online coupons for HP, furniture,  food, housewares and other things you have to have for your household to run. Looking for a computer? You can even find Dell discount codes. Pretty much anything and everything you can think of. In fact, I make it a practice to NEVER buy something online without searching for a coupon code first.

To make online coupon codes even better, I recommend shopping through a rewards site like Ebates. Sites like Ebates actually give you a percentage rebate for shopping at various stores, and then every few months a check arrives in the mail. Whether it is $2 or $20 it’s still a rebate on money you were going to spend anyway, so it’s like free money.

Obviously, if you read my blog you know there are a lot more ways to save money, but the point is by saving money you can contribute to your household budget whether you work full time, part time or not at all. You can make money by saving money every day.

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