Free Chick-fil-A Meals on Cow Appreciation Day

This Friday, July 9th, is Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-fil-A.  You can get a free Chick-fil-A meal for fully dressing up as a cow and visiting any of their 1,200+ stores. Kids are also eligible for free meals by dressing up as “calves” as well.

Full details and a costume starter kit can be found at

Q: What is Cow Appreciation Day?
A: For one day only, black and white spots, cow bells and furry ears will be appropriate attire in the nation’s second largest chicken chain. In celebration of July 9, Cow Appreciation Day (an unocial yet nationally recognized holiday), Chick-l-A will award a free combo meal (breakfast, lunch or dinner) to any customer who comes to one of the chain’s 1,300-plus restaurants fully dressed as a cow.
Q: What does “fully dressed as a cow” mean?
A: “Fully dressed as a cow” means an eort to be dressed like a cow from head to toe. For customers who want to join us in partial cow attire (such as the cow headband, a cow-printed hat, vest or purse) a free entrée will be given.

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