Martha Stewart Clean Review & Giveaway

Who doesn’t wish that Martha Stewart would come clean their home for them? I know that is my not-so-secret wish as I look around at the chaos that is my kitchen… Ahhhh, but I am left to my own devices. But here’s the good news, Martha Stewart now has a green cleaning product line. So, even if she won’t come organize the mess, at least I can use her products and pretend I am Martha! LOL

“Martha Stewart Clean™ products differ from other “green” products in a very important way: they really work! Use them in the laundry room and the living room—and every space in between—for a cleaner, healthier home. Effective. Responsible. Safe.”

I had the opportunity to try the All-Purpose Cleaner and the Dish • Hand Soap, and I am happy to say they are both great! The All-Purpose cleaner quickly replaced our current cleaner without pause. Not only does it work, but it doesn’t have a harsh chemically smell. We feel comfortable using this to clean down surfaces for our toddler.

I was most exctied about the DishHand Soap. Wow, finally a soap that can cut through dish grease and is gentle enough on hands to be used as as a hand soap. Amazing. Interestingly, the one complaint my husband pointed out is that because it was fitted with a hand pump, it makes it harder to use on pans. Instead of dumping the bottle upside down with one hand, it takes two hands to pick up the bottle and pump some soap into the middle of the pan. It’s a small complaint, but he made a good point. The pump makes it great for hand soap, but kind of a pain for dishes.

Other than the minor pump complaint, both products do what they say they do, and they are green! What more can a mom ask for?

In addition to green cleaning products, a magazine, a TV show, etc you can also get tips from Martha Stewart online including 50 Tips for a Greener, Cleaner Home.

Buy it – You can buy Martha Stewart Clean products at Home Depot, Publix and other stores. Check here for a store near you.

Win it – Martha Stewart Clean has offered one of TheSuburbanMom readers Martha Stewart Clean products.

Mandatory Entry – To enter, please leave a comment telling me your favorite green tip from this article.

Bonus entries (leave a separate comment for each additional entry you do):

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  • Become a fan of TheSuburbanMom on Facebook. (Already a fan, that counts too, just leave a comment.)
  • Leave a comment on any other post on my blog, including entering another giveaway! (1 entry)
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Contest ends May 21, 2010 at 5 pm. Open to U.S. residents in the continental U.S. only. Winning comment will be chosen at random by and contacted for shipping information. Winner will have 72 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.

Discloser – I was given the products mentioned above to review for this post, all thoughts and opinions are expressly my own. No other compensation was received.

190 thoughts on “Martha Stewart Clean Review & Giveaway”

  1. Use Glass Containers for Leftovers
    They’re safer to use in the microwave than plastic, which can leech chemicals.

  2. My favorite tip was that I need to make sure to use cooking tools made with safe plastics. Please excuse me while I run to the kitchen.

  3. Some studies link the plasticizer to cancer and other health issues. Use cooking tools made from safe plastics — usually labeled #2, #4, or #5. (Bonus if recycled

  4. I like the following tip…Set programmable thermostats to kick in half an hour before you return home unless you have heat-sensitive indoor pets.

  5. I didn’t know that keeping your freezer full was a green idea – like it!

    christigpa at gmail dot com

  6. This one was the most relevant for me “think recyclable and recycled when bringing items into your home, too.”

  7. Bring your own reusable bag to the store. Great tip as I see far too many of those plastic bags in the streets.

  8. I like the sponge tip, Typical polyurethane sponges don’t biodegrade; the natural cellulose-and-agave Dish Dumpling does.

  9. “cut back on your paper towel habit.” I have been trying to do this alot. I now need to train my son and husband to do the same.

  10. If you aren’t composting food scraps, Dont put them in the garbage disposal food sent down the drain often winds up in the landfill after the sewage treatment plant, so save the electricity — and 2,000 gallons of water per year.

  11. I already do (and love) many of the tips! One of my favorites, with so many paybacks is the Give Up Your Garbage Disposal tip! I’ve got a worm composting farm, and use their castings and tea to fertilize my fruit trees and veggie garden, to create more kitchen scraps to feed the worms!

  12. This one’s my fav: “If everyone in the United States replaced just one package of paper napkins with cloth, we’d save one million trees.”

  13. I like this one: Typical polyurethane sponges don’t biodegrade. The natural cellulose-and-agave Dish Dumpling does.

  14. The tip I like is – Use bags of ice to fill the voids, and your freezer won’t have to use as much energy to stay cold.” — Martha Stewart

    constancelavery at msn dot com

  15. fav green tip, cut back on any one use items…paper towels, napkins, single serving food, etc..
    Reuse everything!

  16. This is my favorite tip:

    Use bags of ice to fill the voids, and your freezer won’t have to use as much energy to stay cold.” — Martha Stewart

  17. My favorite tip is to Conserve Water.
    We turn of the water when brushing our teeth and lathering in the shower.
    We also recently purchased a rain barrel for watering house plants and our garden.
    Thank you so much for the chance to win.


  18. Most of the tips I was aware of, so I’m going with tip #45 if only for the adorable stone idea for shoes. I’m so going to set up one of those by my door, no more shoe pile for me!

    Thanks for the opportunity.

  19. Thanks for the giveaway…my favorite green tip is to use glass containers for leftovers; they’re safer to use in the microwave than plastic, which can leech chemicals.

    senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

  20. It has to be ‘sip tap water’ something that we can all do very easily without a huge lifestyle change! Plus it saves our wallet too!

  21. Buy a Forever Calendar, instead of going through a page per month, try a perpetual calendar. The Futuro includes a combination of paper inserts that will work for any year.

  22. My favorite green tip is: Use Glass Containers
    Heated plastic containers can break down and leach chemicals into food. Reusable glass ones with lids are safer for you and the planet.

  23. my favorite tip is Avoid BPA
    Some studies link the plasticizer to cancer and other health issues. Use cooking tools made from safe plastics — usually labeled #2, #4, or #5. (Bonus if recycled!)

  24. My favorite green tip is Keep Your Freezer Full. I guess I’ve been “green” far longer than I realized. I learned this tip several decades ago.

  25. my fav is Make the Right Curtain Call Organic cotton won’t off-gas VOCs, as PVC shower curtains do. (Use a vinyl-free liner, too.)

  26. My favorite tip is Avoid BPA
    Some studies link the plasticizer to cancer and other health issues. Use cooking tools made from safe plastics — usually labeled #2, #4, or #5.

  27. Prgrammable thermostats is something I had been considering for some time now and was mentioned in that article.

  28. I like that you should use cooking tools made from safe plastics usually labeled 2,4 or 5



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