10+ Reasons To Ready, Snack, Go! ~ Giveaway

My kids don’t eat a lot of sandwiches because their lunch of choice is a meat and cheese roll up. I am not sure why they are anti bread (unless it is a dinner roll), but that’s what they like. Because turkey/cheese and ham/cheese rollups are a staple in our house I was intrigued when I learned about Smithfield Ready, Snack, Go! 

Smithfield Ready, Snack, Go!
Ready, Snack, Go! include a slice of Smithfield meat (turkey or ham) rolled around a slice of fresh cheese available in six varieties:

  • Roasted Turkey & American
  • Roasted Turkey & Swiss American
  • Roasted Turkey & Hot Pepper
  • Smoked Ham & American
  • Smoked Ham & Swiss American
  • Smoked Ham & Hot Pepper

Smithfield Ready, Snack, Go! are a quick and convenient way to serve a meat and cheese rollup on the go. They are so convenient that in partnership with Smithfield I came up with 10 reasons for families to Ready, Snack, Go!

10+ Reasons To Ready, Snack, Go!

Car food – Our weekends are often go, go, go. In order to maximize our fun time, we often eat lunch in the car. Ready, Snack, Go! makes it easy to grab meat and cheese for everyone (in a variety of flavors) so we can eat on the go. 

The cupboards are bare – We’ve all been there, that moment when we realize that because we didn’t make it to the store yesterday as planned, there’s nothing to eat! Ready, Snack, Go! prepackaged deli meat and cheese are good for several months, which means they are great to keep on hand — just in case.

Road Trip – Instead of stopping every time someone says, “I’m hungry.” Pack a cooler full of snacks including Ready, Snack, Go! The family can nosh on their own schedule, and you can keep on truckin’. 

We’re late, we’re late – Why must someone always decide they are hungry right when it is time to walk out the door. Speedup last-minute snacks with a Ready, Snack, Go! grab and go option. 

Picnic – My kids love to eat outside, love it. Ready, Snack, Go! make picnicking on a whim easy. 

Smithfield Ready Snack Go
Portion control – Watching what you eat? Each protein-packed, 100-calorie portion of meat and cheese can help you keep track of exactly what you have eaten. 

Emergency work stash – Have you ever gotten stuck at work with no time to grab lunch like you planned? Keep an emergency stash of Ready, Snack, Go! at work to keep you going on busy days. Just be sure to hide and label your stash.

Lunch packing break – In our house we pack lunch the night before, but honestly sometimes I just don’t feel like it. Skip making lunch every once in a while and let the kids grab a Ready, Snack, Go!, an apple, crackers and their water bottle. Done. 

Take me out to the ball game – When it is your snack-day on the soccer field, fuel up the kids with a variety to Ready, Snack, Go! flavors to help get everyone game ready.

Smithfield – Because Ready, Snack, Go! are from Smithfield you know they taste good, does there need to be another reason?

On The Go Snack
My oldest and I give the ham and turkey with American cheese a thumbs up, and my youngest is a big fan of the turkey and ham Swiss American cheese. While neither was brave enough to try a hot pepper cheese, dad was a fan. Something for everyone in my family.

Look for Smithfield products including Ready, Snack, Go! at your local grocery story. Each Ready, Snack, Go! retails for $1. 


One lucky winner will receive two of each of the six flavors of Smithfield Ready, Set, Go! (12 total). To enter, please use the Rafflecopter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

62 thoughts on “10+ Reasons To Ready, Snack, Go! ~ Giveaway”

  1. My daughter would go crazy for the roasted turkey and American. She loves treats like these especially for snack and sometimes she even eats them for breakfast.

    • Oh no! I still see them on the Publix website. But I admit I haven’t looked for them in a while. My kids go in and out of snacking phases. Try Publix and good luck.


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