There are many crucial decisions moms make during their child’s life. Some are huge and monumental, while others only seem like they are huge and monumental at the time. During that first year when new decisions face moms around every corner, assistance in making at least a few of those decisions easier is a welcome relief.
I have blogged previously about my seemingly monumental decision to choose the right nipples and bottles for my daughter as I stood in front of a wall of choices while registering for my firstborn. The simple task of choosing a bottle and nipple to register for quickly became so overwhelming that I nearly had a panic attack right there in the store.
There were so many options to choose from. I had read about nipple confusion for babies, and as I stood there I realized I had nipple confusion trying to make the best decision for my daughter.
On that day, I decided to skip registering for nipples altogether. Ultimately I enlisted the help of a veteran mom who calmed me down and helped me narrow down the selection. (Whew!)
But oh how I would have liked the new Playtex Nipple Variety Pack that I was introduced to through the Playtex Mom Trust Program. I mean – genius!
Don’t guess; buy one package that has four types of silicone nipples to try! The Playtex® Nipple Variety Pack includes:
- Playtex® NaturaLatch® Nipple – With a standard surface area to mimic average nipple sizes, this nipple is most like mothers.
- Playtex® Breastlike Nipple – Slope of area around nipple mimics the breast.
- Playtex® Fullsized Nipple – Designed for wider mouths, the shape of the nipple mimics large size nipples.
- Playtex® Angled Nipple -The nipple’s angled design promotes semi-upright feeding.
All Playtex Nipple Variety Packs are available in slow, medium and fast flow and are compatible with Playtex® VentAire® and Playtex® Nurser with Drop-Ins® Liners bottles.
It’s been nearly seven years since I first stood in front of a wall of bottles and nipples fearing this seemingly huge task of choosing what was right for my baby. While we are past that stage, I am jealous of other moms who can avoid at least this seemingly huge decision by simply picking up a variety pack.
Unfortunately Playtex can’t make a variety pack for all of the decisions that lie ahead, but at least this decision can be made easily – get the variety pack and let baby decide what she/he likes best.
Playtex® Nipple Variety Pack is available at Walmart, Target and Babies ‘R Us for a suggested retail price of $7.99.
5 lucky winners will receive a Playtex Nipple Variety Pack.
To enter, fill out the Rafflecopter below. Giveaway ends June 9, 2014.
To stay at home more and not eating out as much…saving money!!!!
I left my job to be a stay at home mom.
To start saving for our little guy’s future..started a college fund when I was pregnant!
To go back to college, or to wait until they’re all school age
To not leave him in the care of anyone else but us. He had type 1 diabetes as a baby
The biggest decision we made for our babies was for me to stay at home with them. It was a big lifestyle change, but I can’t imagine it any other way.
cloth or disposable diapers!
Becoming a stay at home mom! It’s not easy and I miss having adult conversations, but seeing all his firsts has been worth it!
Choosing cloth vs regular diapers
deciding EXACTLY when to get pregnant
To breast feed or bottle feed.
To put my little one in day so that I could go back to work
To bottle feed.
My decision was which school to put them in.
How long to breast feed.
Homeschooling our daughter, at first I was scared to do so, now I am glad we did.
I decided to only work part time. We have less money but I would not trade the memories my son and I are making for anything in the world.
Disposable or cloth diapers!
My sister took off work and did not regret it.