This post brought to you by K12, the leader in online education. All opinions are 100% mine.
There is nothing more rewarding than seeing your little one gain a new skill. As a parent you see them work at it and work at it offering support every step of the way, but it just doesn’t click. Until one day it does. One day suddenly it all comes together and learning starts to fall in line.
Well, at least that’s the way it has been with my daughter — every step of the way. And it is panning out to be the same way with my toddler. From color recognition all the way to starting to read — one day I feel like a broken record repeating the same lessons — then poof, they don’t need any help. (Sniff, sniff — proud and wistful in the same breath.)
But here’s the thing. I am just a mom. Even though I am my girls’ first teacher, I am not a teacher by nature. Somethings are easy for me to teach, others I just don’t know what to do. That’s why I like EmbarK12, which gives me the tools I need to teach my girls from the ground up — using easy language they understand and building to the harder stuff. (Because I have a bad tendency to start in the middle, forgetting that they have no idea where I am coming from.)
EmbarK12 is designed for preschool age students (ages 3-6) and is filled with skills for Kindergarten readiness. What’s great about this program is that while all of the resources for mom and dad are online, with EmbarK12 Comprehensive- Online and hands-on preschool program for your early learner the lessons include both online and hands-on materials — a LOT of hands on materials. (20 books!)
With more than 1,200 appropriate lessons, the EmbarK12 program encompasses 18 thematic units, which are each broken down into materials covering six subjects: math, language arts, science, social studies, music and art.
One skill that I just can’t seem to help my child master is telling time. So I was thrilled to see that one of the 18 units is telling time. Within the time-telling unit there are lessons that range from what is a clock to learning about the parts of the clock and how to tell time. The lessons include online videos, craft activities and even a themed book.
With all of these lessons broken down for me in the parent guide, I can teach time telling at home to my student likes like a teacher with an all-encompassing lesson.
After digging through the box of supplemental materials, K opted to go straight for the online materials to start her studying. She gets very into the computer materials.
Even though EmbarK12 is geared toward ages 3-6, everything big sister does little sister wants to too. And while telling time is still too advanced for a two year old, it won’t be long until she is demanding control over the mouse. Already she is enjoying the books along side big sis. And since she will start preschool in the fall, I am looking forward to her growing into this program too.
For now Sissy is happy to listen to the online lessons that are read aloud, and who knows maybe she is picking up more than I think.
EmbarK12 is the winner of five distinguished awards and used in national childcare centers. Available by year-long subscription, the online portion is $59.99 and the Comprehensive, which includes the online portion and all of the supplemental offline materials, is $286.
Kindergarten readiness programs by K12. Try a sample activity today.
One lucky winner will receive a year-long subscription to EmbarK12 (online portion only). Use the Rafflecopter below to enter.
I would love for my children to try EmbarK. I think supplemental material is a great way to reinforce skills. I know that they would love learning these fundamental skills in an exciting way!
My son is so smart. He starts Pre-k this fall, but I know that these tools would help us at home. He loves to learn…especially reading!
She is 4 and ready to learn to read.
My kids would benefit from the technology to keep learning fresh.
My preschooler loves creativity and thinking “outside the box.” EmbarK sounds like a great program that could help him as we prepare him for Kindergarten!
I am a pre-k teacher and this would be a wonderful tool!
My daughter loves to learn! She is already recognizing small words and is so eager to learn more. She is quite adept with a computer…I believe this program would benefit her immensely!
What a great way to learn! Thanks for sharing! Keeping my fingers crossed for a win for me!
My youngest seems to be ahead of the curve in many areas. I would like to get her more familiar with computers and to learn something in the process. This program sounds like a good alternative to the program another child of mine used.
he loves using my computer this would be right up his alley
My daughter is going to be in kindergarten in the fall and I feel like she will be behind since she wasn’t in preschool.
this would help because my son is ready to learn
It would help teach my child more things
My son will be very enthusiastic about doing online studies.
I have been looking for an online program for my four year old. I try to teach him myself but I need reinforcement.
my son is 3 we’re tried getting him into preschool their is either a crazy long wait list or he is too far along. I feel bad for him but want him to still learn. this would be great!
I would love this for my two kiddos they are 3 and 4. I would love to have them and see how they grow. Their little brains will just soak it up.
He loves the computer and this would be great for something educational.
My little boy loves to learn and he is the right age for this!
because he just turned 4 and would be the perfect age to start he is a good learner and so smart and sweet and this would be perfect to excel his learning ty u for the chance 🙂
My daughter is a very intelligent adult but always had a hard time with the basics like telling time. This would be a wonderful tool to help her and us as grandparents in teaching our grandson the basics.
I have a 5 yr and 2 yr son…and i think this would be great at home work. And with lil brother always wanting to do what big brother is doing. It could only be beneficial.
my son loves online learning, so this would be helpful to him and we can do it on our time.
She is 2 and discovering new things and would learn a lot from it. I would help her of course but we have fun doing things like this together
My boy is only 11 months but were trying to get a head start on his education. He already loves counting and abc games and songs gonna try to keep the love for learning alive. Would love this.
My son has a speech delay but is very proficient on the computer and iPad. I would hope that this would help him in so many ways.
My daughter would love this, she loves to learn , im teaching her spanish hoping she gets the basics before she starts school. She already knows how to work a computer and a tablet. This would help her learn everything she would need to know to excel in school
My daughter is only 2 and a half, but she is super smart. She can count to 20, knows all her colors, knows her ABC’s and loves to learn new things.
My son would love this. He is a little smarty and loves to learn. This would help him excel before hitting Kindergarten in the fall.
My youngest is 4 and she is trying to keep up with the older kids so she is trying to learn to read currently.
My twins would LOVE this!! My daughter can’t get enough of learning and I think with the lessons being online it will keep my son’s attention longer. Thank for the opportunity!!
This would help my 4 yr old get ready for Kindergarden in the fall!
My son is very smart and will be starting kindergarten later this year. Would love to have the readiness program for him.
My sons love to go online, and this would be a great thing for them to do!
My son loves anything to do with the computer. I think this would really interest him and let him learn better than using workbooks.
would love to win! anything that makes “learning” fun and less academic is a win for my little dude
my son has dyslexia so any extra learning is good for him
My son just loves to learn and this would be great!
Would love to win this.. How exciting. Thanks for the opportunity. –
I would LOVE to use this for my little girl – she already wants to read, but won’t start preschool for another 2 years. Thanks for sharing!
DD4 loves online learning
Wow, this is really amazing. I play with my kids all day so this would give us a lot to do!
Colton would excel with the help of Embark k12 because I love to reinforce what he is learning in the classroom. He will be starting Kindergarten next year and this prize would be awesome to help us with our activities at home and over the summer 🙂
The schools here are using Ipads and Laptops in Kindergarten!! I think this would be great helping my son learn more technology as well as learning the basics, and getting him ready for kindergarten.
My daughter would excel with this because she’s very eager to learn to read.
This is exactly the stage that we’re in right now! I tried homesschool preschool this year – but ended up that my schedule at work changed to nearly full-time, meaning that we’re stuck hoping that he’s ready for Kindergarten next year. Meanwhile, we’re doing as many activities as possible!
My granddaughter wants to learn everything so this would be great for her.
my granddaughter was born as a preemie n she has struggled to get where she is n they have no preschool where she lives n this would help get a head start before kindergarten..
I would love to win this for my niece, she is four and it would be perfect for her@!
It would help prepare her for kindergarten
My daughter loves to learn, and this would give her room to grow
This would be perfect for my son. I believe that doing hands on things is the best way to learn.
My nephew is at the age where he is learning very quickly and easily. I want him to get as much in right now as he can before he starts school.
I think the discrete lessons and variety of books would allow my kids to thrive. Thanks.
My son is starting Kindergarten this fall so he would love this!
My nephew is computer crazy and he would excel with a computer based program.
Because i believe giving our daughter a bit of a head-start with learning tools, will help her revel once she starts kindergarten.
I think my daughter will excel with Embark12 because she will have the chance to start learning earlier. 🙂
my daughter is in love with learning, just not from me
This would be great for my daughter because she loves anything that has to do with the computer and she could learn everything she needs to know before Kindergarten.