12 Fashion Jewelry Stocking Stuffer Ideas Under $1 Each

Looking for a little something sparkly that won’t break the budget? Check out these 12 Fashion Jewelry Stocking Stuffers that I found, each for less than $1 shipped!!! All items ship free whether or not you buy anything else. So they are the perfect way to add a little sparkle for everyone on your list.

I purchased the first owl necklace several months ago, and I love it. It is the same quality you would find at Kohl’s or another department store in the fashion jewelry section. It did take a couple of weeks to arrive, so now is the time to buy!

12 Fashion Jewelry Stocking Stuffers

Jewel Owl Necklace $.75 (free ship)

Jewel Owl Necklace


Owl Earrings $.59 (free ship)

Owl Earrings


Eiffel Tower Necklace $.80 (free ship)

Vintage Eiffel Tower Necklace

Peacock Necklace $.90 (free ship)

Peacock Necklace

Mustache Earrings $.25 each (free ship)

Mustache Earrings


Mustache Ring $.44 each (free ship)

Mustache Ring


Retro Camera Necklace $.78 (free ship)

Retro Camera Necklace


Kitty Cat Necklace $.83 (free ship)

Kitty Cat Necklace

Seahorse Necklace $.89 (free ship)

Seahorse Necklace

Octopus Necklace $.49 (free ship)Octopus Necklace

Peacock Earrings $.99 (free ship)

Peacock Earrings


Peacock Hair Clip $.89 (free ship)

Peacock Hair Clip


13 thoughts on “12 Fashion Jewelry Stocking Stuffer Ideas Under $1 Each”

  1. Well, thank you for this fantastic idea, but I wanted to ask you a question because I have a fear of paying online with credit. Did they charge you and extra or did you have any problems, please get back to me on this subject because I really want to get jewelry for my mother. Thank you.
    ~ Sincerely, Tracy

    • I purchased the owl for myself about 3 months ago, and I had no problems. There a was a single charge from Amazon for $.75 on my credit card — that’s it. That’s what I LOVE about these deals is that they are ALL from Amazon, so even though you are buying from a third party Amazon handles the money. So you are charged by Amazon (safe for your credit card) and if for some reason it never comes, Amazon is fantastic about refunding money for missing items. (I had a costume ordered through Amazon go missing last month, refunded me on the spot.) Plus everything is less than $1! Hope that helps 🙂

  2. Today I tried to buy two dragon fly ear rings. everything went thru except the discount code .By the time it was over I dont know how many were ordered, or for how much. This is after I gave my credit card information.,–How can I cancel the entire order????
    Thank You

  3. I have a niece that has really gotten into photography that would love that retro camera necklace! What a super gift idea!

  4. Great list and amazing prices! I hope it’s not too late to order. I love putting together stocking presents almost more than the “big” gifts!


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