Discover How To Navigate Every Little Step

This post brought to you by Walmart. All opinions are 100% mine.

Babies don’t come with an instruction manual, but every well-meaning stranger will have their share of advice to impart on new moms. While the advice of the grandma waiting in line at the grocery store might not be what a new mom really needs, in the comfort of her own home finding sage advice on caring for a baby can be a welcome comfort. 

From 12 Things No One Ever Tells You About Babies to 10 Newborn Worries (Not to Fret About) Walmart’s Every Little Step website offers a portal filled with tips and testimonials from moms who have been in the trenches battling their baby’s toughest battles – diaper blowout anyone?

Filled with advice about baby essentials, the website isn’t just for moms. Grandparents, godparents, friends and anyone else with a baby in their lives can benefit from resources like Planning the Perfect Baby Shower and 10 Wonderful Shower Ideas.

Plus while exploring the articles and tips on the Every Little Step website you can also find the all of the baby essentials you need for your little one. From diapers to nursery, toys to gear, you can shop for your little bundle of joy’s every little step. There are even mom essentials like maternity clothes and pregnancy books.


Don’t know where to start? Check out the Checklist: Registry 101 for a practical list of everything needed for baby’s first year. 

Beyond the newborn stage already? The Every Little Step website even tackles potty training! (A page I am bookmarking for my own future endeavors.) 

There is a lot to learn about a new baby. Much of it you will learn on your own along the way, but every once in a while its nice to read stories about real moms to see that you aren’t alone. Thanks to Walmart and Huggies® stories from moms (and dads) are waiting for you on the Every Little Step website when you are ready for them.

If you are expecting a little one, you’ll have your own stories to tell soon enough. Like the first time I tried to separate my daughter from her lovey when in public. While Pinkie is now happy to stay at home, the transition from full-time friend to bed-time pal was a rough one. It also taught me that my daughter as the ability to work herself up into such a frenzy she can make herself physically ill — all over mom, in public. Good times.

What are some of your mommy moments good, bad or just plain funny?

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46 thoughts on “Discover How To Navigate Every Little Step”

  1. This sounds like a great tool for new moms and dads. Little ones definitely don’t come with an instruction manual, but it’s amazing how your parental instinct kicks in!

  2. very helpful, practical is key, don’t have to get every baby thing out there, won’t be used much. great list and information.

  3. Every retailer that sells baby items should do this. I had no idea that I’d need bibs and burp cloths (didn’t even know what a burp cloth was) until it became clear that my firstborn was a legendary spitter. Then I knew.

  4. Wish they had this with my other 2 daughters – what a great idea, especially for couples who do not know even where to start, and parents are either not around or are not helpful. Thanks for this and I will check it out for my toddler who is enter the ‘potty-training’ stage as well!

  5. I love checklists. Baby R Us had a whole bunch of stuff on it that were not necessary and I did not know that Walmart had a checklist. I also like it that they have one for toddlers also…I will have to check that one out since our son will be 2 in dec

  6. What a great resource the Every Little Step website will be for new moms! I wish This site had been around when my “baby”(now 23!) was born. He has a baby now and I’ll be sure to pass this info along! Thanks for sharing!

  7. The greatest moments for me are when your Children look at you an say… “I love you Mommy!” When your having hectic days, busy with the cleaning, shopping, school events, extra curricular and all the chaos that comes with it…. that “I love you Mommy” makes it all worth while.

  8. Wish I had a Walmart in my city! The list is so valuable to new parents, especially first-time parents, who are really at a loss until their confidence builds. Great post!

  9. I remember the “deer in the headlights” feeling I had after I delivered my daughter. The room was filled with people, and then a short while later they all left. Olivia and I were in the room, alone together and I was very concerned – wanting to know where the instructions for this part of the journey were. They were all right there, in my instincts.

  10. This is so cool. I love that they have all kinds of help in one place. I think it will be a great resource for a lot of new moms.

  11. This is really helpful for first time moms. I honestly wish that I had had it with my first as I learned by trial and error. Which was definitely a challenge.


  12. Sounds like a great list. I don’t have kids (not in our plans) so I’m sure it would be scary at first of all the “don’t know what to do’s.”


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