Countdown To Disney Cruise Free Printable

There are officially 66 days until we set sail aboard the Disney Dream for our first Disney Cruise. We have been planning this trip for years, and I can’t wait to take my girls about their first cruise ship — with Mickey Mouse no less. For a couple of Disney-lovin’ girls who are lucky enough to visit Disney World often, I think the cruise is going to blow their minds! I can’t wait!

We told K about a month ago that we were going to be taking this cruise, and the questions about when we leave have already begun to drive me a wee bit crazy. (But I can’t help loving her excitement.) To help keep the questions down, and work on some basic math (counting backward) I decided to make a simple countdown. 

For those who are planning their own Disney Cruise, I hope you will enjoy this Countdown To Disney Cruise Free Printable.

The countdown is 8×10, and is intended to be put in  an 8×10 frame. Once it is framed, you can  use a wipeable marker to write the number of days until your cruise on the glass each day. 

Now to find the perfect frame…

Download Free Countdown to Disney Printable here.


Disney Cruise Countdown Printable Free


13 thoughts on “Countdown To Disney Cruise Free Printable”

  1. Thanks! We are cruising in October and I’m printing your countdown. 🙂 I can’t get it as 8×10 though, the link goes to a jpg, maybe 5×7 size.

  2. I will use this for our next cruise. We went last year on the Dream, and it was exactly that…a dream!!! You will have the time of your life!
    Enjoy 🙂

  3. Planning a Dec. 2014 Disney Dream fam and friends cruise. Would live to hear your tips on must-take & must-do vs skip-it’s.

  4. Hi we are cruising on Disney dream for are first time we been on lots of cruises Before so hope my little will love it . Cruise . Disney dream
    Date.26-30 October


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