Sharing A Smile With Kids At The Sharing Center

When Champions for Kids challenged me to help kids smile with the Spin Into Action Simple Service Project, to me it wasn’t just about providing toothbrushes and toothpaste for the kids. It was about providing fun toothbrushes and toothpaste. After all I am very familiar with the giant smile that spreads across my daughter’s face when she sees a new pink toothbrush or princess toothpaste.

Of course, as any mom who has shopped for kids oral care products knows, choices for kiddie toothbrushes and toothpaste abound. I won’t admit to exactly how long I stood in the aisle at Walmart trying to decide which toothbrushes and toothpaste would be the best options to donate, but let’s just say a lot of people came and went while I continued to stand there tying to make a decision.

Champions For Kids #SpinbrushCFK

After finally choosing just the right collection of cute toothbrushes and toothpaste (and a new fun toothbrush for my K), choosing a local organizations that help kids to donate them to was easy. The Oasis at The Sharing Center is a place homeless kids and their families can take a shower, get their clothes washed, get a haircut and use computers for schoolwork and job searches. It is a place kids can feel safe and a little bit normal. It is the only facility of its kind in the area, and families don’t need an appointment they can just walk in and use the services as needed.

The Sharing Center Oasis

Because of the nature of The Oasis, The Sharing Center is always in need of toiletry items. My guess is that most toothbrushes and toothpaste donated are of the generic adult variety. So I am sure my colorful collection, including two Arm & Hammer Spinbrushes to tickle those little teeth will be met with excited kiddos.

Arm Hammer My Way Spinbursh #spinbrushcfk

In addition to the items I purchased, I also raided my stash. As a couponer anytime I can pick something up for free or nearly free, I jump at the chance. No, I don’t have shelves of stockpile, but I do keep a bag under the laundry sink for my stash. Even though I raided my stash not too long ago, I was very pleased to find a number of oral care items including flossers, rinse, toothpaste samples and a bunch of brushes. Check out all of my goodies.

Toothbrush Toothpaste #spinbrushcfk

I planned to drop off my donation on Friday, but at the last minute my daughter was invited to a friend’s house after summer camp on Thursday. Since I suddenly had an extra hour on my hands, I decided to take my donation over early. As luck would have it, The Oasis is open four days a week – Thursday it is closed. HA! Fortunately, I discovered people stocking the food pantry at The Sharing Center who were nice enough to take my donation for The Oasis Center. I would have been grumpy if I made the trip across town for nothing. Luckily everything worked out, and my donation was happily received.


I am proud to be One of the Millions called to action by Champions for Kids, and this month I donated a total of 11 toothbrushes, seven tubes of toothpaste, two spools of floss, one pack of flossers, four bottles of rinse and a few miscellaneous toiletry items for The Oasis.

You too can be One of the Millions! Learn more about how you can get involved with Champions for Kids SIMPLE Service projects by following them on Twitter (and follow the hashtag #SpinBrushCFK to see what other’s are doing for their projects) and on Facebook. You can also learn more about Sprinbrush/Arm&Hammer onFacebook and Twitter.

Champions for Kids Spinbrush

Disclosure – I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This content has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and #SpinBrushCFK #CBias #SocialFabric, however, all thoughts an opinions are my own.

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