Trash day in my neighborhood makes me sad. Driving down the street, I see house after house with giant piles of senseless trash. Those homes that have obvious recyclables sitting by the curb make me especially unhappy. Not to mention those with toys and home goods that are still 100% usable (don’t worry, when I see those I rescue them!).
My family of four, including a baby in disposable diapers (yes, I know), produces only a single bag of trash each week. Often that bag isn’t even full, just stinky. That’s it. But we regularly overflow two bins of recyclables weekly. It can be done, without much effort I might add.
I was recently challenged by Glad to throw a party taking the One Bag Challenge – filling only one bag of trash from the party. I was psyched to take on the challenge to show that it can be done. Learn more about the One Bag Challenge and Glad’s commitment to bettering the environment here.
With summer upon us I invited the neighborhood gang to celebrate with some water fun in the back yard. To really showcase the success of the challenge, I invited everyone – 24 kids and 20 adults. Yep, I decided to take a One Bag Challenge for party of 44! Yes, that’s right I decided I could host a party with 44 guests and only produce a single bag of trash.
Want to cut down on your party trash? Follow these three simple steps:
Step 1 – Use sustainable and biodegradable partyware. Not only is it good for the planet, but it is totally chic too. Out of all my party prep, my dinner plates received the most compliments — go figure! I served my guests on bamboo plates from Bambu. If only I was a composter, all of my plates, cups, silverware and napkins could have gone into a compost pile… Someday.
Step 2 – Decorate your space with reusable decor. For my party I decorated with leis that served as party favors and reusable tiki torches. (Notice a theme here?) The decor was also budget friendly, I picked up the leis at Target $1 for two.
Step 3 – Make sure your recycle bin and trash bag are in plain sight. To encourage people to recycle, I placed my recycle bin right under the table. No it isn’t pretty, but it reminded people. (Although I still went fishing in the garbage after the party for stray recycleables.)
So, of course, the question remains… Did I meet the challenge? Of course I did! One bag with room to spare! If it wasn’t so stinky, I would have put it in my kitchen and kept adding to the bag. I could have crammed a lot more into my Glad bag, it was made for stuffing full. But alas my husband made a face when I suggested this possibility. Oh well, I guess this week we will be putting two bags by the curb. But neither one will be totally full!
Quick Giveaway – Ends June 25
How would you like a party pack filled with everything you need to host your own One Bag Challenge Party? You would? Fantastic! Glad wants to help by giving one lucky reader a party pack to get you started with the right tools. In the party pack you will find Glad trash bags (but just use one), the awesome bamboo partyware, a yummy scented soy candle and Green Works spray for easy clean up. Just add guests, a little decor and some food and ta-da instant summer fun! Good luck!
To enter – Please use the Rafflecopter form below to take advantage of entry opportunities.
MANDATORY ENTRY MUST BE LEFT AS COMMENT ON BLOG POST BELOW– then you can check off in Rafflecopter that you did it. Otherwise, all other entries will be invalid. *** PLEASE be sure to read instructions in Rafflecopter form as to what to comment about.***
Disclosure – I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Glad and received a One Bag kit to facilitate my review, a kit to give away, and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.
I’ve been trying to cut down on waste by buying reusable containers for lunches. My husband just got some new glass containers for his lunch. I’m trying to cut down on plastic too.
we use reusuable sandwich bags etc. for lunches…we don’t buy bottled water
I have cut down on the number of plastic bottles that I buy
We recycle a lot of our stuff and that leaves us with very little trash!
I cut down on trash and waste by recycling all paper, plastic and aluminum products
I use real plates and utensils instead of paper or foam and I try to limit napkins and paper towel usage 🙂
I buy refill tubs of formula instead of buying all of that plastic! Thank you! This is awesome! Mattandcolleen Fuller on FB
We sort everything, from glass and plastic to paper and cans. And we recycle most of it :).
We recycle everything that we can
we started recycling boxes
I limit paper towel usage in the kitchen by reusing cloth towels. We recently started recycling.
I donate clothing and items we no longer use to Goodwill instead of throwing them in the garbage.
We use shopping bags instead of plastic, recycle cans, bottles and papers.
We use washable plates and cups at parties
We do lots of recycling and using things that can be used over and over.
We recycle & use paper plates as little as possible
jofo120 at yahoo dot com
We recycle everything we can and use washable dishes at home.
We recycle daily!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com
I cut down on trash by recycling.
I try to buy less stuff to cut down on trash.
We reuse and repurpose as much as possible!
We compact items to make more fit in the trash, and we use a lot of items we can wash instead of just toss.
Recycle and try to repurpose as many items as possible
Try to reuse and recycle as much as we can!
I try to recycle as much as possible
We recycle all we can and compost food waste.
We recycle our tin, aluminum and glass.
Recycle, use less paper products, and donate items that others could use
I cut down on waste and trash everyday. When I go for my walks in the morning with my son I pick up other people’s recycling that they throw out of their cars. I also compost all of my fruits and vegetables.
By not buying things that have excessive packaging or that I won’t use for longer than 10 minutes at a time.
We use reusable water bottles and never use paper plates
we recycle
I make sure to recycle every water bottle, magazines and newspapers I use. Thanks!
We recycle and try to reuse everything we can 🙂
We don’t use paper plates or cups.
We reduce, reuse, recycle whenever possible.
I try to recyle almost everything we use.
We re-use things if possible and we do recycle
We recycle a ton and I try not to buy individually packages items.
i purchased a bunch of reusable plates and we always wash the disposable plastic forks and stuff.
i compost
We recycle everything we can.
have recycled for quite awhile..and try to be “green”
We always use reusable dishes and silverware.
we recycle and keep the bins right by us when we have parties
We have stopped using the little plastic grocery bags all together and have been collecting totes to do our shopping with. We also by as much natural food as possible which means less packaging waste. We don’y use paper towels or napkins we have switch to cloth and reusable items. We try to re purpose anything that might be useful in any way and it we can’t we take it to be recycled.
recycle whatever we can
I recycle about half of what is discarded
We use real plates and silverware plus try to compost as much as possible.
We try to buy with as little packaging as possible & use reusable when we can.
We only use paper plates when we have to.
I use regular plates and glasses instead of paper cups and plates.
The kids don’t print out papers just for editing purposes, only for the final turn in copies.
I cut down on waste by using reusable products when I can, then recycling or composting almost everything else. I only keep a very small trash can, and only have to empty it around every 2 weeks.
we use plastic plates and cups and silverware
I recycle aluminum cans and rarely use paper plates or cups.
We try to recycle everything we can, composte things and repurpose items.
We recycle and use reusable products.
I try to buy products with minimal packaging.
We cut down by reusing! Glass containers are used for storage in the shed.
We are members of Freecycle and try to pass on the shipping boxes that bring my review items.
we recycle our trash
We recycle alot:)
We use reusable containers as much as possible and compost our compostables for the garden
We cut down on waste by only using disposable products when we have a lot of guests. We are also careful the recycle everything possible.
My family cuts down by recycling
We use kitchen towels instead of paper towels!
we recycle, make our own laundry soap.
recycle as much as we can. dont use paper plates or cups
I try to buy only what I will use.
I use dish towels instead of paper towels.
Food we give to the chickens and goats and waste by using stainless steel water bottles and towels instead of paper towels.
Hello, how are you? Thank you for this opportunity. We reduce waste by composting our food scraps.
We take excess, unuseable food items to the woods for the critters to eat. It cuts down on trash.
I use as many reusable products as possible and recycle almost everything.
lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com
I don’t use paper products I yard sale hop for great finds!
I compost
We never use paper plates and cups.
I recycle and we have stopped using paper plates and reuse water bottles.
We recycle as much as we can!
We recycle and repurpose as much as possible
Thanks for the giveaway…we use cloth napkins, and cotton cleaning towels instead of paper towels.
I try to use all reusable stuff
We recycle everything our city accepts.
We recycle as much as possible.
We try to reuse or recycle whatever possible
We recycle everything possible!
While browsing your Green Living section this article re: cutting down on party trash caught my eye. I have never tried to have a party and be left with only one bag of trash but I think I can do it! I’m having a party this weekend when my daughter, a nurse who had to work Christmas Day and the day after, brings her family for a belated Christmas celebration. I’m going to try the One Bag Challenge — will let you know how well I succeed.
I truly believe it can be done! Good luck!