My blog is inspired by my life, but from time to time my blog inspires our life. Case in point, I was asked to review Miracle-Gro Expand ‘n Gro. The arrival of the giant bag of potting soil immediately turned into a morning project that included dead shrub removal, a trip to Home Depot and planting a mini flower garden – all before lunch.
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K is totally into all things nature, so I have been toying with the idea of planting a little garden. (Before we go any further, let me be clear — I do not have a green thumb. So, I need all the help I can get. My last adventure in gardening was a tomato plant that produced like 3 tomatoes and died.) The Miracle-Gro was just the inspiration I needed to get a little project off the ground.
So while hubs dug out the dead azaleas, K and I headed to Home Depot to pick out the perfect flowers. When looking for just the right plants I had a couple of requirements: 1) They had to have K-approved pretty flowers (which probably meant pink). 2) They had to be deer-proof. The last thing I need is to plant a garden only to wake up the next morning to find that our neighborhood deer friends have eaten every last flower. 3) They had to be inexpensive, after all, I could still kill these things.
After asking for some deer advice, we settled on begonias or marigolds. I was shocked when K turned down the pink begonias in favor of marigolds. Then she told me why – “There are marigolds in the flower scene in Alice in Wonderland.” Perfect. And the price $9.99 for 18 mini plants, also perfect.
Arriving home to find our flower bed ready, K and I set to work. After spreading out a nice layer of Expand ‘n Gro™, K helped me dig little holes, plant the flowers and pat down the dirt. K was very concerned with making sure each plant had plenty of the “special dirt” to help them grow. Once our flowers were just so we stood back to admire our work.
We had such a nice time creating our little garden, and with K’s birthday party coming up next week she can’t wait to show off her garden to her friends. (And I am glad I don’t have to be embarrassed by those dead plants anymore.)
Technically spring is still another week away but feels like it has already arrived in Florida. If you are planning a little garden with your little ones this spring, consider Miracle-Gro to help your garden grow. Here are some facts about Expand ‘n Grow:
- Up to 3x the flowers and vegetables (vs native soil)
- Significantly improves soil for multiple years
- Concentrated planting mix expands up to 3x when water is added
- Feeds for up to six months
- All-natural fibers hold up to 50% more water than basic potting soil
Those are such precious memories. Hold tight to them 🙂
I remember when my late daughter read “A Tree is Nice” and we went out and bought a tree and planted it. I went by where we planted it about a year ago…it is so big!
That’s so neat that the tree is still there. Maybe we should plant something more lasting like a tree. I like that idea…
I need all the help I can get for flowers to grow-thanks for the idea.
What adorable photos! I went outside and tried to do a little gardening with my son because the spring weather was irresistible. I went inside the door to get the potting soil and he started to dig up the good plants! He thought we wanted to re-plant them. I was glad I only ran inside for less than a minute or we would have lost more than one plant – the whole flower bed would have been gone…