Save Money On Dental Costs With A Dental Savings Plan ~ Giveaway

Everyone talks about the rising cost of health insurance these days (don’t get me started), but if you’ve looked at a dental insurance policy then you know dental insurance costs are also on the rise. Even if you aren’t scared of the dentist, you may be terrified of the bill at the end of the visit. Wowzers! Dental care is expensive.

Having worked in HR for years and analyzed countless dental insurance plans, I know that unless the plan is subsidized by the company you work for dental insurance plans are expensive. What’s more, unless you have a major procedure done, high deductibles and co-pays most likely mean that you pay more for insurance than you save. This means you pay for expensive insurance and expensive procedures. That’s why alternative dental savings plans are a reasonable option.

Unlike traditional dental insurance where you pay a deductible/co-pay and the rest is paid by the insurance company (at a discounted rate), with a dental savings plan you pay the discounted rate at time of service – nothing additional is paid by the discount dental plan network. The way this works is that the discount dental plan network works with local dentists to negotiate a discounted rate on services for its customers so that you save money. The annual membership fee you pay grants you access to the discounted rates negotiated. This is how dental savings plans can be considerably less expensive than dental insurance plans. Plus, since you don’t have to reach a deductible to receive the savings, you can start saving money on dental procedures right away.

Of course, like insurance not all dentists participate in a dental savings plans so it is important to do your homework to make sure your dentist is part of the group that offers a discount with the program. Luckily at, it is easy to look up your dentist to see if they participate. If not, you will find tons of other dentists in your area that do, and since the savings can be tremendous it might be time to find a new dentist.

At you will find dental savings plans that start at $79.95 per year for an individual and $129.95 per year for a family. For a family of four, that’s less than $11 a month to access the discounted dental services. (Far less than a dental insurance policy.) Plus, right now is having a promo for three-months free when you sign up for a plan, so that works out to be less than $9 a month for that same family of four. (Note, family plans start at $129.95, plans in my area were more, FYI.) Want even more savings? Use the coupon code SUB10 to save 10% off your plan.

Here are some facts about the dental savings plans available at

  • Save 10% to 60% off most dental care procedures
  • Savings at 100,000+ dentists across the country
  • 30+ plans to search, compare and view sample savings by ZIP code
  • Savings on cosmetic dentistry and orthodontia
  • No annual limits, health restrictions or paperwork hassles
  • Most plans activate within three business days

If you don’t have dental insurance either because it isn’t available or affordable (or even if you do and you are considering a switch), take a look at the plans available at Only you (and your dentist) know how often you really go to the dentist or what work you might need done, so look at the plan options and see if one might be right for you.

GIVEAWAY – Thanks to the folks at, I get to give one of my readers a one-year family dental savings plan of their choice. (Plus, since they are giving three-months free you will actually receive a 15-month plan too.)

To enter – Please use the Rafflecopter form below to take advantage of your entry opportunities.

MANDATORY ENTRY MUST BE LEFT AS COMMENT ON BLOG POST BELOW– then you can check off in Rafflecopter that you did it. Otherwise, all other entries will be invalid. (Click instructions for what to comment about.)

*** PLEASE be sure to read instructions in Rafflecopter form as to what to comment about.***

a Rafflecopter giveaway

20 thoughts on “Save Money On Dental Costs With A Dental Savings Plan ~ Giveaway”

  1. Wow, this is great information since the church my husband works for just dropped the dental plan we had. I was not happy that for the first time ever we were without dental coverage. I will check this out.

  2. I do not have one and really need one. My grandson head banged me about 4 months ago and knocked my front tooth loose. I really need to see a dentist and get it fixed, so this would really help out on the cost a bit.

  3. I want to win because I have several issues with my teeth that I need fixed…I actually had one of my wisdom teeth cut out this morning and I don’t have dental insurance so this would give me the oppertunity to get all my dental work done so it will quit giving me fits.


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