Veggie Tales: Princess And The Pop Star Review ~ Giveaway

Every time I introduce a new Veggie Tales movie to my daughter, she seems to love it even more than the last. They just keep churning out great cartoons. The newest Veggie Tales installment seems like it was made with my daughter in mind. Already a huge fan of the story The Prince and The Pauper – thanks to the Mickey Mouse version I picked up with my Disney Movie Rewards points, I knew the Veggie Tales version would be a hit.

Princess and The Pop Star takes the classic tale and turns it into a modern- day story when Princess, the daughter of a local farmer, meets her favorite pop star in a chance encounter in the playground. When the girls realize that they look exactly alike, the two decide to switch places. It seems like a dream come true for the pop star who has always wanted a real family, until she realizes just how much this family loves Princess. When she realizes it is time to go home, the family bands together to switch the girls back. But Princess is still enjoying life as a pop star until she realizes how much she is appreciated by her own family.

Veggie Tales Princess and the Pop Star

While the title and cover art of this Veggie Tales story is a little geared toward girls, it is still a story that can be easily enjoyed by boys. Since my little girl was drawn to anything princess, I definitely see the girl-heavy theme, but when you watch the movie you will quickly realize that it isn’t about a princess, the girl’s name is Princess.

As usual Veggie Tales takes the opportunity to weave in a beautiful message for kids that we were all uniquely and lovingly designed for our own lives. There is also an underlying message about the love of family too, which is always a good thing.

Another Veggie Tales hit in our house.

Veggie Tales: Princess And The Pop Star is available on Amazon for $11.99.

GIVEAWAY – One lucky reader will win a copy of Veggie Tales: Princess And The Pop Star.

To enter – Please use the Rafflecopter form below to take advantage of your entry opportunities.

MANDATORY ENTRY MUST BE LEFT AS COMMENT ON BLOG POST BELOW – then you can check off in Rafflecopter that you did it. Otherwise, all other entries will be invalid. (Click instructions for what to comment about.)

Disclosure – I was provided a copy of this DVD to facilitate this review, however,a ll thoughts and opinions are my own.

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