Toddler Talk Tuesday

Kids’ say the darndest things, and what comes out of the mouth’s of toddlers is often down right hysterical! When it isn’t laugh out loud funny, it can be so sweet it melts you heart. To help make sure I never forget these little toddler quips and because they make me smile, I have decided to share them in a weekly post called “Toddler Talk Tuesday.”

I hope you will join me in celebrating the funny phrases by sharing your your kids’ quirky comments. If you are a blogger, feel free to link up to this post via McLinky below. If you are a reader, leave comments sharing your favorite quote of the week. And even if your kids are past the toddler stage, I have a feeling they still have something silly to say – feel free to share! I look forward to hearing all the wonderful things your little ones have to say.

In Florida, socks and closed toed shoes go into hiding from June – September. We live in sandals and flip-flops, but when school comes back around it’s time for new kicks and socks once more.

On the morning of our family trip to NJ, hubby got K dressed in the clothes I preplanned for her to wear on the plane. She must not have been paying attention to what he put on her because on the ride to the airport, out of the blue, she exclaimed, “Hey, Mama. I got monkeys on my socks! That’s so silly!”

Yep, monkeys on her socks, that’s silly.

Alright moms, link up.

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