Recycle e-waste at Best Buy

If it can be recycled, it should be. There is no reason to fill our landfills with more junk that could be turned into something useful again. Some things are easier to recycle than others, but it’s getting easier and easier to recycle things that were once hard to recycle.

In this techno world we live in, electronics come in and out of our lives all the time (especially in my house). E-waste, as it is called, is tricky to recycle because they are made of so many different components including some materials that are really bad for our planet. Because of all of the tricky components it is especially important to recycle your e-waste instead of dumping into the trash.

That’s why I am proud of Best Buy’s e-waste recycling program. Best Buy will take your e-waste – regardless of where you purchased it – and recycle it for you. It is as easy as taking your e-waste to Best Buy and dropping it off. That’s it, no questions, no hassle just drop and go.

We recently recycled 3 items through Best Buy – a OLD broken DVD player, a broken laptop charger and a broken wine cooler. These were not items that could have been fixed by someone, they were dead. In another household they might have been headed to the landfill, but thanks to Best Buy they will be dismantled and pieces recycled.

Next time one of your gadgets breaks. Think twice about throwing it out with the trash. Consider dropping it off a Best Buy and saving one more piece of e-waste from a landfill. Check out everything Best Buy can recycle for you here.

By the way – this is NOT a sponsored post. It is just something I feel very passionately about. Who knows maybe this post can save some e-waste from the trash!

Reduce, Reuse & Recycle.

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