Save Money by Buying Gift Cards Cheap!

I love eBay! Perhaps it is genetic, but I just can’t resist a good deal, and I love finding the angle.  Recently, the need for a high-end purchase prompted me to look for an angle to save money, and boy did I do so. How would you like to save …

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Searching For “The Perfect Stroller”

Searching For “The Perfect Stroller”

By the time my daughter was 14 months old, we had owned (at least temporarily) 7 strollers! Yes, it is a bit nuts, but I freely admit I am picky and was looking for “the perfect stroller.”

Before you jump to the conclusion that I must not have done my research first, allow me assure you otherwise. My husband and I read review after review after review… As first time parents, it is exhausting trying to make sure we have the best of everything for our daughter. The problem with customer reviews is that they are most often written at the initial product arrival or trial. Rarely do customers wait a year to really “test drive” a product before review, but frankly babies change so quickly that what works for an infant will be annoying in a month.

Perhaps my stroller saga can help you pin-point features you need in a stroller, while coming to the conclusion there is no one perfect stroller.

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Facts about the National Do Not Call Registry

If you are tired of the phone ringing with unwanted solicitations during dinner, you aren’t alone. And, if you haven’t heard, there is a solution.  The National Do Not Call Registry is enforced by the FTC and the FCC, and it gives you a choice about whether to receive telemarketing …

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Recycle Your Ink Cartridges for Charity

I have always been “into” recycling, but the birth of our daughter kicked that up a notch. In our house, we are lucky enough to have great curb-side recycling that picks up all plastics, glasses and papers, but there are still things I can’t recycle (as easily) that it kills …

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