I have always been “into” recycling, but the birth of our daughter kicked that up a notch. In our house, we are lucky enough to have great curb-side recycling that picks up all plastics, glasses and papers, but there are still things I can’t recycle (as easily) that it kills me to throw away. I know I have my vice I can’t live without – disposable diapers, but everything else I really want to recycle!
As we were leaving PetSmart today, a display caught my eye, “Recycle Inkjets for PetSmart Charities!” The display included postage-paid envelopes to return your inkjets to be recycled. These inkjets are then refilled, sold at a discount and a portion of the new sale goes toward supporting homeless pets through PetSmart Charities.
Now, I already save the bags that come with each new ink cartridge so I can recycle my cartridges, but now I can send my cartridges of to support animals and be recycled. What a fantastic idea. Recycle to help the planet and, through this option, to directly support pets!
The bags come with instructions about what can and cannot be recycled. You can also use these pre-paid envelopes to recycle working cell phones, but I prefer alternate methods for recycling (AKA – reselling working cell phones).
Pick up a pre-paid envelope at your local PetSmart or visit http://www.cartridgesandphones.com/ to purchase an inkjet cartridge for your printer. You’ll save money AND $2 of each inkjet cartridge and $5 for each laser cartridge is donated to PetSmart Charities.