There is so much to think about this time of year. So many extra things to remember to take care of. Even with my constant list making, something is bound to slip through the cracks. Sometimes you just have to laugh about it and move on, but with just a little prep there are 5 common holiday blunders you can avoid making this year. Follow these tips to avoid holiday blunders and you will look like a Christmas pro!
This post is sponsored by Energizer.
5 Christmas Blunders – Solved!
Forgot to send someone a Christmas card – When ordering Christmas cards, I always add 5 to my count. That way I have extra — just in case. If you go through those and think you still might forget someone, use PicMonkey (a free photo editing site) to add some text to your holiday photo, upload the image to a one-hour photo lab and order some 4×6 prints. Quick and easy last-minute cards for just a few pennies each. If you are really pressed for time, print them at home on photo paper!
Missing gift – Worried you will forget to pick up a gift for someone who remembers you? Fear not. Pick up an extra hostess type gift (stemless wine glasses, a pretty platter, etc), wrap it in a gift bag and set it under the tree. Then you can avoid the award one-sided gift exchange if someone appears with a gift for you. Just be sure to keep the receipt in case you remember everyone and want to return it after the gift exchanges have finished.
Forgotten Elf – Be ready in a pinch with lots of great ideas for reasons your Elf didn’t move overnight from Pinterest. Even better, set an alarm! Each night the alarm on my phone begins to chirp. It isn’t labeled, so prying eyes would never know. But since adding that alarm, our Elf always moves.
Well-hidden gift – Without fail, every year I hide at least one gift so well that I totally forget about it. Then sometime after Christmas I find it or remember. For this mom fail, I chalk it up to tradition. At this point, it wouldn’t be Christmas without something being forgotten. And I have never once heard my kids complain about getting an extra gift after Christmas.
Batteries not included – Count your battery operated gifts now. Nothing spoils a gift on Christmas morning faster than opening it to discover you don’t have batteries to make it work! In fact, one year I remember stealing batteries from both TV remotes to power one of the new toys. Don’t put yourself in this mess — stock up on batteries now. Check the labels to see what you need, but if you have already wrapped — just buy some of everything! Don’t forget the batteries!!!
Apparently, I am not alone in stealing batteries from the TV remote. According to a new survey by Energizer, 90 percent of Americans have forgotten batteries for a holiday gift in the past. And just like me, 44 percent of consumers take batteries out of their other devices to insure a holiday gift has batteries if they forgot to purchase batteries at the store. HA!
Of course, a better solution is to have Energizer MAX ® batteries purchased and ready to use. Energizer MAX ® is the perfect battery to tie together any holiday gift list providing high-tech toys and gadgets with long-lasting power and leak protection. When you’re purchasing holiday gifts for kids and tech lovers, make sure you preserve those special holiday moments and buy the right batteries needed to power those gifts.
Looking for a great deal to stock up on batteries for the holidays? Check out Energizer’s holiday promotions to get a deal on batteries for everyone on your list.