Reduce Baby’s Gas And Tummy Troubles With Philips Avent Bottle

This is a sponsored post for Philips Avent Bottle, but my search for the very best for my baby is my own. 

It’s been five years since we’ve had a baby in this house, but the countdown is on! I’ll be 35 weeks pregnant tomorrow, so it is about to be baby time again. That means it’s time to get serious about stocking up on baby gear. The first step is making sure I have the basics like bottles, pacifiers and a good pump. (And adorable baby shoes too!)

Philips Avent Bottle

A lot has changed since the first time I stepped foot in a baby store to register for my oldest nine years ago, but one thing hasn’t changed — there are a LOT of choices when it comes to bottles and pacifiers. I will never forget standing in that store, holding my registry scanner staring at that wall of choices with tears in my eyes, certain my baby would starve because I would never be able to make the “right” choice. 

Whether or not my initial bottle choice was the “right” one, everyone survived and thrived. Fast forward all of these years later, and I have a lot more experience under my belt as I look forward to baby #3’s arrival. And this time baby and I will start her bottle days with a Philips Avent bottle. 

Avent Baby Bottle

Why Choose A Philips Avent Bottle?

If there is one thing I don’t have time for it’s an extra fussy baby who has tummy trouble because of gas — especially if there is something I can do to help prevent gas in the first place. 

With all of the bottle choices out there, I want one that is easy to use and is designed to help reduce gas. With only four parts: bottle, cap, nipple and ring that holds the nipple in place, Philips Avent bottles are simple with fewer parts to clean. (And fewer parts to lose.) 

The Philips Avent anti-colic bottle features an Airflex venting system designed to reduce gas and colic by reducing air ingestion. This built-in, venting system keeps air away from baby’s tummy, and less air in the baby’s tummy has to mean less tummy troubles. 
Babies fed with Philips Avent anti-colic bottles experienced 60% less fussing at night, than babies fed with a leading competitor’s vented bottle. *At 2 weeks of age, babies fed with a Philips Avent bottle showed a trend to less colic compared to a conventional bottle and a significant reduction in fussing at night compared to babies fed with another leading bottle.
Although my oldest never had colic, she had her share of tummy woes, and I spent those early days covered in spit up as her body let me know loud and clear about her tummy problems. Her baby sister was a different story, easy peasy in the feeding department. While I hope the littlest will have the same easy feeding experience, I want to be ready with a bottle that will help. 
By the way, my pacifer of choice is also Philips Avent. Both of my daughters just loved those Soothie pacifiers in the early days. Gotta remember to stock up on those! 
Sarah Chalke has had her experience with colic, and now she is an Ambassador for Philips Avent. Hear why she is using Philips Avent bottles with her second child.

Keep up with the latest from Philips Avent on Facebook and Twitter.

Compensation was provided by Philips Avent via Momtrends. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of Philips Avent or Momtrends.

2 thoughts on “Reduce Baby’s Gas And Tummy Troubles With Philips Avent Bottle”

    • The Avent Anti Colic bottle is specifically designed to help reduce gas associated with colic. If your baby has colic and/or tummy troubles with gas, it might be worth a try. I had one baby who did and one who didn’t, still waiting to see what #3 will be like 🙂


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