Walmart Fights Hunger With $33 Million In Grants

Across the country every day there are kids who go without food. Children who are hungry and can’t rely on three square meals a day. This problem is even worse on weekends and school vacations where students don’t have access to school meal programs. The USDA reports that in 2015, 42.2 million people in America, including more than 13.1 million children, lived in households at risk of struggling with hunger. 

I can’t even imagine how hard it is to concentrate and do well in school when kids are worried about food. 

Luckily there are companies like Walmart that are willing to step up and help. To fight against hunger Walmart and the Walmart Foundation have awarded 11 grants totaling $33 million to national nonprofits across the country, helping provide meal programs and nutrition education for youth and families as well as increase access to healthy food, like fruits and vegetables, through state and federal nutrition assistance programs.

Kids Lunchroom

Back to School Grants

Through Walmart and the Walmart Foundation’s back to school grants, the organizations will provide nearly 57 million meals to support nearly 1.5 million people in communities across the country through programs providing year-long meals, breakfast in the classroom, nutrition education and increased access to fresh fruits and vegetables through nutrition assistance programs.

These programs range from providing fruits and veggies in the school system to providing food to students throughout the summer and teaching people how to shop for and cook meals for their families. 

The organizations supported by the back to school grants include:

Through these programs Walmart and the Walmart Foundation have committed to providing 4 billion meals to those who need them between 2015 and 2020. 

Walmart and the Walmart Foundation believe that everyone should have access to safe, affordable, nutritious and sustainably grown food. The grants were awarded to 11 nonprofit organizations that share a commitment to hunger relief are the latest example of an ongoing commitment to provide food to people when they need it most.

Hunger Quote Mother Teresa

By helping to provide meals Walmart helps students focus on their school work and play — like kids should do — instead of worrying about their next meal. 

Learn more about Walmart and the Walmart Foundation’s commitments to fighting hunger and providing nutrition education.

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