This post brought to you by Maytag. The content and opinions expressed below are that of The Suburban Mom.
This summer we embarked on a family road trip. We took our Florida girls to see the mountains for the first time. On this family adventure we spent a lot of time outdoors. Not just outside, but really outdoors hiking in the mountains. We got down and dirty laughing and playing as a family, and it was a trip we will never forget.
Sometimes getting messy makes for the best family memories.
Kids are kids, but my girls tend to shy away from really getting dirty. But after some reassurances of a clean change of clothes waiting for them in the car, the girls dug right into gem mining. Proudly sifting through the dirt in search of treasures, totally disregarding the muck and mud dripping down their fronts.

The most memorable adventure of the trip was a half mile hike through the woods to a beautiful waterfall along the Blue Ridge Parkway at mile marker 417. Now I know a hike may seem common to you folks who live in the mountains, but here in Florida a hike is three (flat) blocks to the bus stop. Climbing over rocks and tree stumps up into the mountain, my girls trudged through enjoying every moment along the winding path.

At the end our hike was rewarded with a waterfall and pools fit for splashing in. By the time we got back to the car we were soaked, covered in mud and grinning from ear to ear.

It doesn’t get much messier than being slobbered on by a bunch of hungry animals at the Lazy 5 Ranch in North Carolina. Riding on an open-air wagon the animals came right up to us begging for food. And to the sound of giggles, we quickly learned that animals are very messy eaters.

Returning to Florida there was a lot of laundry in my future, but all of that filthy laundry was proof of a good time and lots of great memories. Sometimes you just have to get outside and get messy whether that means going hiking, making a messy craft or playing baseball it is important to let kids be free to make a mess from time to time. And you know what, getting filthy with your kids can be just as much fun for adults too!
Maytag #MyFilthiestPlay Contest
How would you like to win a new Maytag laundry washer and dryer duo, a $50 MLB gift card or a trip to the World Series? Sounds great, right? Now’s your chance to show off your filthy side because all you have to do to enter is share a photo of you or your family showing off how you play filthy on Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #MyFilthiestPlay.”

Each week through September 14 someone will win a Maytag washer and dryer, so let your filthy side shine! Enter the
Filthiest Plays of the Week contest today!
