April and May were crazy for my family. I am talking holiday season crazy. For a family of homebodies who likes to relax and hang out on the weekends, being out of town all but three weekends in two months is outrageous! I need time at home on the weekends to wind down, enjoy my family and maybe clean up a little bit. If you visited my house right now, you would clearly see visible evidence of out lack of downtime. Yikes!
For the last month my mantra has been — just hang in there until June 1. After that you can breathe. Well, guess what?! June 1 is nearly upon us and I see the light at the end of the crazy train tunnel.
Starting June 1, I am getting off the crazy train and getting back to an easy and simpler summer. I am replacing tight schedules with relaxation and piles of unattended mess to clutter-free living (well, my version of it anyway). I am getting back to the basics, and I hope you will join me!
5 Tips For A Easier & Simpler Summer
Cleanup and clear out – In January I began Project 365, a household purge of at least one item per day, and I have done a great job using it as motivation to help de-clutter my house. By nature, I am a pack rat, and after living in this house for nine years in this house it has gotten of control. So I am reigning in the clutter, one item a time by cleaning up and clearing out. I admit I got a little off track in May, but I am ready to get back on track. Whether you feel motivated to do a Project 365 or just a weekend purge, use summer to simplify your life by removing clutter.

Put the dishwasher to work – My girls love to bake and summertime is the perfect time to experiment with new recipes and make a big ole mess in the kitchen. Cookies, cupcakes and homemade granola bars are on our summer bucket lis. I want to teach the girls to enjoy foods made from simple ingredients — not just processed boxed foods. All this adds up to extra dishes, and I don’t want to make time to clean them. I want to finish baking and move on to an art project! So I am putting my dishwasher to work — even if that means an extra load to put away.
Now my dishes can be cleaned with that same simple ingredient philosophy thanks to Finish Power & Free. Made with no chlorine bleach, and no harsh chemicals you can feel good about running all of your dishes through it — including bottles, pacis and sippy cups! As part of Finish’s Alliance of Moms I am happy to share with you a free sample of Finish Power & Free, put it to the test in your home and simplify your life

Eyes up – Technology rules my life. I admit to jumping at every little buzz and chirp from my phone. But I don’t want my girls to think they play second to my laptop and cell phone. It’s hard because I work from home, but during the summer months my goal is to put down the tech and spend more time with my eyes up — watching my girls play. I want to be engaged now so that they learn to be engaged later. Simplify your life by putting the technology down.
Enlist helpers – The kids are home for summer, and while they need to have plenty of time to be kids, they should also be involved in the day-to-day chores. After all, you are raising small children to become responsible adults. Invite little ones to be part of the process by putting away groceries and sorting laundry. To help make your life easier, you can even designate a specific bin that gets filled with items they need to put away. In our house, this is called the Put-Away Box, and every day K is in charge of checking her put aways. Simplify your life by involving everyone in the clean up.

Enjoy summer and take advantage of this time to simply your life.