Countdown To Disneyland Free Printable

Make the countdown to Disneyland even more exciting with this free Disneyland countdown printable.

We are officially headed to Disneyland one week from tomorrow for Disney Social Media Moms, and we are finally breaking the news to the kids tonight. (I am so excited to tell them!) Sure, we’ve been to Disney World more times than we can count (the perks of living in Florida), but this is the first trip to Disneyland for my girls and my husband. (I had an amazing first trip to Disneyland last fall.) 

I’ve avoided telling them about the trip so far because, well, I dread the daily question of, “How long until we leave.” Because I know that my daughter will ask multiple times a day, every day until we leave. So I have limited it to a week of questions. 

To assist with our big announcement, and to help with the daily questions and excitement, I decided to make a countdown to Disneyland printable. I made one of these for our Disney Cruise last fall, and it was a big hit, so she is sure to love it. 

Print the Countdown to Disneyland Printable here.

Countdown to Disneyland Printable

After printing your calendar, place the calendar into an 8×10 frame. Then each day you can countdown the number of days until your trip using a wipeable marker and writing directly on the glass. 

Easy peasy. 

By the way, I love Lil Davinci Art Cabinet Frames for countdown calendars, seasonal signs and my girls artwork. I love it because it makes it super simple to swap out art. 

Child Artwork Frame - Display Cabinet Frames And Stores Your Child's Masterpieces - 8.5Child Artwork Frame – Display Cabinet Frames And Stores Your Child’s Masterpieces – 8.5″ x 11″


Enjoy your next Disney vacation, and have a Magical time! 

Taking a Disney Cruise? Check out my Disney Cruise Countdown.

Disney Cruise Countdown Printable Free

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