Disney’s Minnie & Daisy Best Friends Forever Book & Magazine Review


Like many little girls, my daughter’s infatuation with Minnie Mouse began before she could even walk. In the mornings we would lie in bed together to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and from the beginning she only had eyes for Minnie Mouse.

Then when Minnie Mouse got her own spinoff, a series of cartoon shorts featuring Minnie Mouse and Daisy Duck working in Minnie’s Boutique called Minnie’s Bow-Toons, it was like the show was made for her.

And now as she is getting older, Minnie Mouse and Daisy Duck are growing up too. Disney Publishing recently released a new series about Minnie and Daisy — Minnie & Daisy Best Friends Forever. The new character line includes a magazine and chapter books with stories all about the friends.

Disney's Minnie & Daisy Best Friends Forever Book

Together, a slightly older Minnie and Daisy (pre-teens) navigate school and friendship. Geared toward young readers (ages 6-8), the books include short chapters, large print and colorful illustrations. Before the books arrived, I wondered if the subject matter would be too advanced for her. However, after skimming the book prior to reading it to my daughter I realized that the stories are appropriate Disney fun.

Although my daughter is just starting to read and chapter books are still too advanced for her, she was more than happy to have me read the books to her. Because each chapter is approximately 3-4 pages long, a couple of chapters make for perfect bedtime reading.(BTW, I predict she will be soaring through the books herself soon.) 

The stories paint a picture of BFFs who have very different styles and personalities. Minnie is a girly-girl who is studious and thoughtful while Daisy is an athlete with a more laid-back attitude. Although they have their differences, the running theme throughout the books and magazine is that they are always friends who care for each other and are there for each other.

K simply adores magazines, she already has subscriptions to both the Disney Junior and Disney Princess magazines so she was thrilled to add a magazine all about Minnie (and Daisy) to her “collection.” Filled with comic-book-strip-like stories the magazine is bold and colorful. And immediately upon receiving it, she headed for her favorite reading spot to pour over the magazine.

Minnie Daisy Disney Magazine

Minnie & Daisy BFF is a cute new series that we will continue to read together. I predict by the end of the next school year, it might even been the first chapter book K reads by herself.

Disney’s Minnie & Daisy Best Friends Forever books are now available from Amazon and other bookstores, and the magazine is available in bookstores or by subscription from Disney Magazines.

Disney's Minnie & Daisy Best Friends Forever Magazine

7 thoughts on “Disney’s Minnie & Daisy Best Friends Forever Book & Magazine Review”

  1. Thank you so much for talking about these! My daugher is 6 and learning to read as well. This should make her 20 minutes a night of reading VERY enjoyable!!

  2. Looks like a fun magazine. My kids are really into their magazine recently and especially when they come just for them.

  3. This looks just right for my first grader, who is reading independently but needs to build confidence. I’m always on the lookout for reading material that will motivate her to sit down and read!

  4. These are really nice Disney Minnie books and magazines to get my niece for Christmas. She would love reading the colorful pages and seeing what the stories are all about! Really nice magazines!


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