This blog post is part of a paid SocialMoms and Clorox blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own. To read more posts on this topic, click here.
Does your family have a cutesy term for a not-so-cutesy situation? Like shoop. You know, when dog poop makes its way into the house on the bottom of your shoe. Ewwwww.
Those cutesy terms for all your not-so-cutesy moments are what the Clorox Icktionary is all about. Filled with 48 laugh-out-loud terms for all the ick in your life, the Icktionary takes a humorous look at every day messes.
How about the french terry dip? When one end of your bathrobe belt gets wet in the toilet. Ewwwww.
The Clorox Icktionary challenges you to submit your own ick terms to be added to the listing.
I was asked to come up with some of my own ick-terms, and my husband and I had quite a few laughs coming up with the perfect terms to share. The first one was easy. I first learned about the Icktionary while my baby girl had a cold. Poor snotty little baby. And well, I actually call her Lady Snots-A-Lot when she is sick. I don’t know when it started, but I used to call my older daughter that too when she was all snotty and couldn’t wipe her own nose. Somehow it is worse with baby girl because she has these wild curls, and when the snot gets crusted in them it is a disaster. So my first term for all you fellow moms is Sir/Lady Snots-A-Lot: When your young tot is too small to blow their own nose so it drips like a leaky faucet.
You’ve been there, right?
For my second term, my husband threw out some real stinkers for ideas before we finally settled on another term every mom can relate to — the Snackcident. The word derives from a very common clean up situation in our house (and car) spilt snacks. Spilt Cheerios and raisins are easy, but then there is spilt juice, yogurt, etc. Ick. When your tot’s snack, juice, lunch ends up anywhere and everywhere other than in the tummy, that’s a Snackcident. If you are a mom, I know you have had your share of Snackcidents.
So if you were to make up a funny term for a messy situation, what would it be?
Check out all of the terms in the Clorox dictionary and play a word match game for your chance to win a $25 Visa gift card. (I wasn’t an instant winner when I played, but maybe you will get lucky!) It is a fun way to explore the Icktionary and learn some rather comical new terms for mess.
While you are checking out the Icktionary, be sure to get your coupon for $.75 off any Clorox product.
One more good one for ya – Germs of Endearment, when your little loved one accidentally sneezes in your face and clothes. Ewwww.
This blog post is part of a paid SocialMoms and Clorox blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own. To read more posts on this topic, click here.
Ha, ha, ha… I love that Ick Terms… great post… thank you
How funny! I love this. My son actually wanted to make a “dictionary” with funny made up words in it a while back. Too cute!
Love the snack accident – we have dinner accidents, breakfast accidents and everything in between. My kitchen table and floor look like a diaster area – there aren’t enough hours in the day to clean all of it.
Ha, ha too funny! I’m pretty sure the icktionary will be quite a fun read once all the submissions are in.