Pampers Gifts To Grow Introduces “Grow On” Rewards

Two things I love, Pampers and Shutterfly, have teamed up for a new rewards program to go along with the Gifts to Grow program. The new program,”Grow On,” will reward Gifts to Grow members for entering a code from a package of wipes and diapers each month with automatic rewards every three consecutive months.

With Grow On, you can earn special gifts just for entering one diaper or wipes code every month. The first gift is for entering a diaper or wipes code for 3 months in a row, then 6 months, 9 months and finally 12 months. The gifts will keep getting better and better, but you can’t miss a month or you’ll have to start over. Once you’ve gotten your 12-month gift, you can do it all over again.

What kind of prizes?

  • 3-Month Reward – 24 return address labels from Shutterfly
  • 6-Month Reward – 25 personalized 4×6 cards from Shutterfly
  • 9-Month Reward – personalized 12-month calendar from Shutterfly
  • 12-Month Reward – your choice of one of three prizes: 12×12 Photo Book from Shutterfly, Melissa & Doug Beginner Band Set or Smart Play Pad

The program started March 15, although they just announced it today, so if you entered any codes after March 15 you could be one month in already. I entered a diaper code just now, so I have 2 months down one to go for my first freebie! Since I always save up for 12×12 photo books anyway, this is perfect for me! (Hint, I plan to put it on my calendar each month to make sure I don’t miss a month.)

Already a Gifts to Grow member? Take advantage of this benefit by adding a diaper or wipes code today. Not yet a Gifts to Grow member, enroll today and get started earning rewards. Between the new program and all of the free diaper codes out there, there is so much to love about the Gifts to Grow program. (Check my latest posts for free Gifts to Grow codes.)

Pampers Gifts to Grow

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