4 Disney Books For $.99 Each Shipped + Free Disney Activity Book

Here’s a great offer for my fellow Disney fans – 4 Disney Books for $.99 each shipped plus a free Disney activity bookThat’s $3.98 for four hardcover Disney books and an activity book shipped to your door. Awesome price for a great gift idea.

You will get Disney’s The Lion King and Toy Story 3.

Then you can choose two of these books

  • Wreck-It Ralph
  • Brave
  • Cars
  • Cinderella

When you order four books you will also get a free Disney Magic Moments activity book.

The best part – there is no obligation to buy any more books. Once you get your books, you can cancel at any time by logging into your account or calling 1-800-353-3140.

So the question is, which books will you choose?

Disney Books Deal

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